The Post

Put the onus on owners


Any move to sell council-owned land to fund the purchase of the land at the Reading theatre complex is daft and moves by some councillor­s to squash the original deal are to be congratula­ted. The whole business reeks of corporate welfare, if ever there was, and there is no guarantee that the American owners of the complex would comply with their side of the bargain.

I say scrap the entire deal and force the owners into action by implementi­ng a tax on the land similar to that originally proposed by Henry George, American economist and political commentato­r, more than a century ago.

Such a tax, also suggested by several leading economists of the 20th century, would incentivis­e the Reading owners to either sell or redevelop the complex in a productive way.

Going further, such a tax imposed citywide would also provide much needed funds to solve the city’s revenue and debt problems.

Michael Barnett, Mt Victoria

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The Post is subject to the NZ Media Council. Complaints must be directed to If the complainan­t is unsatisfie­d with the response, the complaint may be referred to the Media Council, go to mediacounc­ for more details.

Tony Vial, Wadestown [abridged]


Media Council

 ?? ?? The Reading Cinemas complex continues to be a bone of contention for letter writers.
The Reading Cinemas complex continues to be a bone of contention for letter writers.

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