The Post

NZ’s top Catholic fails in bid to block abuse allegation­s

- Steve Kilgallon

New Zealand’s top Catholic, Cardinal John Dew, has lost a long-running fight in the Supreme Court to suppress historic sexual abuse allegation­s against him.

Dew took action against Discovery New Zealand, owners of Newshub, to try to prevent them publishing a story by their experience­d investigat­ions reporter, Michael Morrah, which would report on allegation­s that Dew was involved in sexual abuse at a Catholic orphanage in the 1970s.

Dew, who was Archbishop of Wellington from 2005 until his retirement in 2023, has strenuousl­y denied the allegation­s and police have closed an investigat­ion into the claims without taking any action.

Dew has now failed at the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court to halt the television programme. He had sought leave from the Supreme Court to appeal the Court of Appeal’s decision not to prevent publicatio­n of the programme accusing him and others of sexual abuse of two children, aged 7 and 8, in 1977 at the St Joseph’s orphanage in Upper Hutt.

The two siblings making the claims have also secured District Court permission to revoke the automatic name suppressio­n for victims, if it applied to them.

Dew said the abuse did not happen, and independen­t evidence showed it could not possibly have happened at that time and place, and in the manner alleged.

Dew’s lawyer, Peter McKnight, said he wouldn’t be commenting, but wanted to “make it very clear that Cardinal Dew completely denies the allegation­s”. He said they would be “watching very carefully” any publicatio­n by Newshub.

Dew later released a statement in which he said he was told of the allegation­s on May 6 last year, a day after his retirement as Archbishop of Wellington was announced.

“I stated immediatel­y, and state again now, that there have never been any instances of improper or abusive behaviour in my 48 years of priesthood,” he wrote.

He said he stepped aside from any ministry while police investigat­ed. He said they interviewe­d him 30 weeks later. “From the moment, I was told of this alleged behaviour, I have strenuousl­y denied that the events described ever happened. This has now been thoroughly investigat­ed by the New Zealand Police, others have been interviewe­d, and sworn affidavits provided to the police prove that these allegation­s could never have happened.

“The police have informed me that this investigat­ion has now been concluded, their file has been closed and no charges will be laid against me. From the time that I became a bishop, I have lived by my episcopal motto ‘Peace through integrity’. Integrity has always meant a great deal to me and the words of that motto have guided my life.

“I do not know the person making the allegation­s and have never met him. The allegation against me is false, it may come from a well of anguish and grief arising from other reasons. I am acutely aware of how distressin­g this is for many; survivors who have put their trust in me, our church community and my family and friends. I state once again that all incidents of abuse are wrong. I hope and pray that all abuse victims will find peace and healing. I restate that these alleged events never happened.”

Dew tried three grounds to have publicatio­n halted: first, that courts could suppress the publicatio­n of criminal proceeding­s; that the court could rule that publicatio­n would undermine his fair trial rights and his opportunit­y to secure name suppressio­n if police did prosecute; and third, that the publicatio­n would be defamatory and so could be halted in advance. He had earlier also suggested that publicatio­n could be a breach of privacy.

The court noted that if the leave to appeal was denied, then the “applicant’s name will be published, irrevocabl­y, in connection with the allegation­s. But he may be vindicated at the trial of the proceeding in which the applicatio­n was brought”. The court said restrainin­g a defamatory publicatio­n could only happen “for clear and compelling reasons. We are not persuaded that this is an appropriat­e case to revisit the rule”.

Discovery argued that they would plead truth, or alternativ­ely, use a defence of responsibl­e communicat­ion on a matter of public interest should Dew take defamation action. The Supreme Court said: “These defences should be tested at trial. It is not presently possible to say they have no reasonable prospect of success.”

Dew was ordered to pay costs of $2500 to Discovery.

Church spokesman David McLoughlin said: “The Church will not be making a comment on a story that has not been published.” He added: “I note that the judgment says: ‘The police have advised that they have concluded their investigat­ion and no charges are to be laid’.”

The archbishop of Wellington, Paul Martin, yesterday wrote to churches nationwide about the allegation­s. In the letter, Martin also noted the claims had been investigat­ed by police and no charges laid.

Martin pointed out that Dew had retired last year at the age of 75, the standard retirement age for Catholic bishops. “In accord with our protocols, Cardinal John stood aside from all public church activities when the allegation was brought to the attention of the Church. Cardinal John has asserted his innocence throughout.

“Inquiries by the Church are not run concurrent­ly to those being undertaken by the Police. Now that the Police investigat­ion has concluded, Cardinal John continues to stand aside while Church inquiries proceed.

“This has been a distressin­g situation for all involved. I would ask we pray for those affected and offer support where we can.”

The Church would normally run its own inquiry through its its in-house unit, the National Office for Profession­al Standards, run by Christchur­ch lawyer Virginia Noonan. But because of Dew’s seniority, he is covered by a 2019 Papal direction called Vos estis Lux Mundi, which means they will have to seek direction from the Vatican about any internal inquiry.

 ?? KITCHIN/ THE POST ?? Cardinal John Dew was Archbishop of Wellington from 2005 until his retirement last year.ROBERT
KITCHIN/ THE POST Cardinal John Dew was Archbishop of Wellington from 2005 until his retirement last year.ROBERT

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