The Post

Purrfect timing for cat controls?

- Frances Chin

Cats may rule the roost at home but things are changing in Lower Hutt, as stricter rules are introduced to register and desex cats.

Hutt City Council has added a section to its Control of Animals bylaw that requires owners of cats aged 12 weeks and over to make sure their animal is microchipp­ed, registered with the New Zealand Companion Animal Register, and desexed.

Councillor Andy Mitchell said the new rules would help reduce the number of feral cats in Lower Hutt, reduce the number of unwanted kittens given to shelters, and make it easier to unite lost cats with their owners.

“Having fewer feral and unwanted cats will also help protect our wildlife.

‘‘There are currently more than 19,000 cats registered on the New Zealand Companion Animal Register with a Lower Hutt address, but there are many more unregister­ed and feral cats out there,” he said.

While Mitchell acknowledg­ed there was a cost in desexing and microchipp­ing cats, he said council staff would work with organisati­ons like the SPCA to promote low-cost chipping and de-sexing events.

He said the community was invited to make submission­s on the changes in late 2023, with the majority of the 564 submission­s – 92% – supporting the new rules.

Many respondent­s provided extra comments calling for more stringent measures such as limiting the numbers of cats per household and keeping cats indoors.

“SPCA and cat rescue organisati­ons will continue working to reunite lost cats with owners, but registered microchipp­ing will make that much easier.

“If your non-microchipp­ed cat is picked up you will not be fined but may have to pay a ‘reuniting fee’ through the SPCA before it’s returned.

“This fee covers the costs of looking after your cat and treating illness or injury if required.”

Susan McNair, who runs Lower Hutt cat shelter The Kitten Inn, said there were too many cats in the area, with the charity attempting to rehome 150 cats as of December 2023.

Predator Free New Zealand chief executive Jessi Morgan told The Post that cats hunted lizards, wētā and birds.

In Wellington, all cats aged over 12 weeks must be microchipp­ed and registered with NZCAR.

 ?? ?? Owners must register, microchip, and desex cats, according to Hutt City Council bylaws.
Owners must register, microchip, and desex cats, according to Hutt City Council bylaws.

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