The Press

December quakes nearly fell Arts Centre landmark

- Charlie Gates

A historical Arts Centre building nearly collapsed in the December earthquake­s and has undergone serious damage.

The Old Registry building on the corner of Montreal and Worcester streets, formerly the home of Untouched World, was close to complete collapse on December 23.

A stone lintel that rattled loose during that day’s quakes has been secured with fresh concrete and wooden panels.

Arts Centre director Ken Franklin said the building ‘‘got quite a severe hit’’.

‘‘We came very close to losing the wall that faces on to Worcester Blvd. The lintel on the upper-floor window was seriously displaced and was very close to complete collapse,’’ he said. ‘‘It was collapsing inwards. It was pretty bloody close. It was quite disturbing to see that. That building has withstood all of the shakes pretty well but, for some, reason it copped it quite badly in December.’’

Demolition began last week on a 1960s building in the Arts Centre to prevent damage to two other heritage buildings on the site.

The modern building, which used to house arts studios and the rocking horse shop, was acting as a battering ram against two adjacent buildings during quakes. Roof trusses were damaging the adjacent boys’ high school and gymnasium buildings.

Franklin said the demolition would open up a new courtyard in the Arts Centre.

‘‘I think it will look great. It will open up the view right through to the south quad from the Market Square. I think it will be a very pleasant addition to the Arts Centre. That building has always been a bit ugly,’’ he said.

The modern building was built on the remains of the original boys’ high swimming pool in the 1960s, Arts Centre Trust chairwoman Cindy Robinson said. A positive aspect of its removal was that it would reveal structure ‘‘hidden for decades’’.

 ?? Photo: STACY SQUIRES/FAIRFAX NZ ?? Still standing: The former Untouched World building at the corner of Montreal and Worcester streets suffered more earthquake damage in December.
Photo: STACY SQUIRES/FAIRFAX NZ Still standing: The former Untouched World building at the corner of Montreal and Worcester streets suffered more earthquake damage in December.

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