The Press

Man linked to burglaries gets home detention

- David Clarkson

A man who says his parents gave him cannabis when he was seven to deal with his attention deficit hyperactiv­ity disorder has avoided a jail sentence.

The life of Joshua Julian Lukic, now 24, has been a struggle with drugs, alcohol and gambling.

‘‘One can only imagine what your childhood must have been like, if you were given cannabis,’’ Judge Brian Callaghan said as he sentenced Lukic at a Christchur­ch District Court inside the men’s prison. Lukic had admitted charges of burglary and receiving stolen property.

He has been in custody at the prison since his arrest on September 28 – the equivalent of a 10-month prison term.

He had been the driver and remained in a car while an associate burgled a house in Radbrook St, Avonhead.

Defence counsel Craig Ruane admitted that although Lukic had never entered the house he should have been suspicious about what was going on. The co-offender was also caught and was jailed for 20 months for a series of burglaries.

Lukic admitted receiving property stolen in burglaries in Johns Rd and Lower Styx Rd on the northern edge of the city.

Judge Callaghan said the offending had been to sustain Lukic’s addictions. ‘‘You were a secondary party to the burglary, but I think you knew very well what was going on.’’

The receiving offences had also been committed to gain some eventual reward.

Lukic had earlier told a probation officer he had been using cannabis from the age of seven.

‘‘It was given to you, apparently by your parents, to slow you down because of your attention deficit hyperactiv­ity disorder issues,’’ the judge said.

He decided to sentence Lukic to home detention for seven months, with a condition that he must stay at Odyssey House.

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