The Press

Abbott: Labor is toxic


Australia’s Opposition leader, Tony Abbott, says the toxic situation within federal Labor will remain no matter the result of next week’s leadership ballot.

‘‘It is pretty clear that whatever happens on Monday, the poison is going to continue,’’ he said yesterday.

Abbott said the ‘‘most extraordin­ary statements’’ from senior people in the Labor party about Kevin Rudd were another sign of a government unable to carry out its functions for the Australian people.

‘‘Basically what we are seeing now is confirmati­on that there is no way we can have strong and stable government from the Labor Party at this time because the Labor Party is hopelessly divided to the Rudd party, the Gillard party and the neither party,’’ he said.

‘‘It is an embarrassm­ent to many decent Labor people,’’ Abbott said. ‘‘It looks more and more obvious . . . that this is a great country that is being damaged by a seriously bad government.’’

Australian­s were sick of the backroom dealing to decide the nation’s prime minister, he said. ‘‘They are sick of having the prime minister foisted on them by the faceless men.

‘‘The only way the public are going to regain faith . . . is if they are given the chance to choose the government, to choose the prime minister at an election.’’

Asked if the coalition had all of its policies costed and its aspiration­s ready to present to voters, Abbott replied ‘‘we do’’.

He said he would not be interested in forming a minority government if the independen­t MPS removed their support for the ALP Government and called a vote of no confidence.

‘‘I don’t want to become prime minister as a result of backroom deals,’’ he said.

 ??  ?? Tony Abbott
Tony Abbott

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