The Press

Gangs recruit jihad fighters

- Sean O’neill

Members of London street gangs have been involved in recruiting, indoctrina­ting and financing young Britons who want to join jihad groups in Somalia.

A small core of Islamist radicals in Somali-dominated gangs has organised travel, money and contacts for would-be jihadis to join alShabaab, the al Qaedaaffil­iated terrorist group that is trying to establish a Sharia state in East Africa.

British Prime Minister David Cameron appealed yesterday to Somali youth to reject jihad and gang culture to help to rebuild their homeland. ‘‘The threat to our national security is growing,’’ Cameron said. ‘‘Young people are being poisoned by radicalism. The problem in Somalia can only be solved by the people of Somalia. But our national interest is clear: we can’t just let all this carry on. There are many Somalis who have made their home in this country. We can’t build peace without them.’’

War-torn Somalia, the future of which will be discussed at an internatio­nal conference hosted by Cameron in London today, has become the destinatio­n of choice for young British jihadis. Somalia is easier to reach than the al Qaeda camps in the Pakistani tribal areas and less prone to American drone attacks. World leaders fear that the country has the potential to spawn internatio­nal terrorism if fighters trained there return to the West to carry out attacks.

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