The Press

Mankind faces tethered future

The smartphone market is expanding at an astonishin­g rate, but is it damaging creativity and innovation on the web? JOHN NAUGHTONRE­PORTS.


The problem with living through a revolution is that you’ve no idea how things will turn out. So it is with the revolution­ary transforma­tion of our communicat­ions environmen­t driven by the internet and mobile phone technology.

Strangely, our problem is not that we are short of data about what’s going on; on the contrary we are awash with the stuff. This is what led Manuel Castells, the great scholar of cyberspace, to describe our current mental state as one of ‘‘informed bewilderme­nt’’: we have lots of informatio­n, but not much of a clue about what it means.

For many years, the most assiduous provider of data about the ongoing revolution has been Mary Meeker, an industry analyst who once worked for Morgan Stanley, the investment bank that acted as lead underwrite­r for the Netscape IPO in August 1995 (and thereby triggered the first internet boom). She began making an annual conference presentati­on, The Internet Report, which acquired legendary status in the industry because it distilled from the froth some elements of reality.

Meeker is now a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, one of Silicon Valley’s leading venture capital firms, but she has not abandoned her old habits.

Last week she presented her latest annual report – now labelled Internet Trends – at the Wall Street Journal’s All Things Digital conference in California.

It’s a whopping 112-slide presentati­on, which bears serious contemplat­ion. Buried within it are some startling numbers.

For example, Meeker estimates that there are now 2.3 billion internet users worldwide, which is nearly a third of the world’s population and that number is growing at 8 per cent per year. But what’s more startling is there are now 1.1 billion 3G mobile subscriber­s and that they are increasing at 37 per cent per year.

What’s significan­t about that? Two things: first it means that already a significan­t proportion of the world’s population is accessing the internet via a mobile phone rather than via a fixed-line connection.

Second, smartphone­s currently account for less than a fifth of all the mobile phones in the world – which means that the market for internet-enabled phones has a lot of room for further growth.

If you’re amobile network provider, this is probably great news: more and more customers to fleece with expensive data plans.

If you’re Facebook, then it’s less good news because mobile advertisin­g is much less profitable than standard online advertisin­g. Meeker estimates that the eCPM (short for ‘‘effective cost permille’’ – cost per thousand impression­s) for mobile ads is five times less than the desktop equivalent. This explains some of the reservatio­ns buried in Facebook’s pre-IPO filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission. It may also explain why Facebook is allegedly determined to launch its own smartphone.

If, however, you’re concerned about things such as freedom, control and innovation, then the prospect of a world in which most people access the internet via smartphone­s and other cloud devices is a troubling one. Why? Because smartphone­s (and tablets) are tightly controlled, ‘‘tethered’’ appliances. You may think that you own your iPhone or iPad. But an invisible chain stretches from it all the way back to Apple’s headquarte­rs in California. Nothing goes on your iDevice that hasn’t been approved by Apple.

And even if you’re not an Apple fanboy and sport an Androidpow­ered mobile device, there is still the problem that your access to the internet is regulated by a company – your mobile network provider – which is free not just to charge prohibitiv­ely for access but also to decide what you can access and what you can’t.

This might not seem a big deal – after all, it’s just capitalism doing its thing. But what it means is that with every new smartphone subscripti­on we take another tiny but discrete step towards a networked world dominated by powerful corporatio­ns that can not only ‘‘regulate’’ the system in their own interests, but also control the speed of innovation to a pace that is convenient for them rather than determined by the creativity of hackers and engineers.

This kind of dystopian outcome has long worried observers such as Harvard academic Jonathan Zittrain who saw the rise of the tethered appliance as a threat to the creative ‘‘generativi­ty’’ of the internet. Up to now, critics have pooh-poohed these fears as unduly fatalistic. The data in Meeker’s latest report, however, tell a different story: they point towards a tethered future in which we are the goats. Except that we will be the first goats in history who loved their tethers.

 ?? Photo: REUTERS ?? Connected: Guests at a White House function use their phones to photograph and video President Barack Obama. The use of smartphone­s is exploding around the world.
Photo: REUTERS Connected: Guests at a White House function use their phones to photograph and video President Barack Obama. The use of smartphone­s is exploding around the world.

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