The Press

Crash survivor feels grateful for support

- Fairfax reporters

The ski guide who survived a helicopter crash in which a passenger was killed says he has been overwhelme­d by the messages of support he has received.

Lake Hawea ski guide Mark Sedon broke two lumbar vertebrae and four ribs in the crash on Mt Alta near Wanaka on Saturday. He was released from Dunedin Hospital yesterday. Passenger Jerome Box, 52, died in the crash.

A message posted on Facebook by Sedon’s friend, Mark Thomas said: ‘‘He may not be looking as pretty as normal but we are all very happy Mark survived [the] horrific helicopter crash near Wanaka. Before I visited him in hospital today he warned me he was looking kind of ugly.’’

Sedon should make a full recovery after two to four weeks’ rest, Thomas said.

‘‘He will live to fight another day – well not so much fight as ski, paraglide, kite surf and mountain bike. An incredibly lucky, and grateful, man. An incredibly relieved community of family and friends,’’ he said. Sedon was grateful for all the messages sent to him.

Also on board were skiers Dave Reid, Dave Bensley, Craig Peirce and Greg McLeod, and the pilot Dave Matthews. The men had been treated for their injuries and discharged from the Wanaka Medical Centre or Dunedin Hospital.

It was believed the helicopter barrel-rolled 1km down the side of the mountain before ending up in a ravine after Matthews attempted to land.

Yesterday a team of three Transport Accident Investigat­ion Commission investigat­ors supported by helicopter pilots, alpine guides and Wanaka search and rescue personnel completed surveying, inspecting and cataloguin­g the wreckage.

TAIC said the wreckage was taken from the mountain by helicopter before dark to a drop point on the shores of Lake Wanaka. From there it would be moved to secure storage in Wanaka and would eventually be taken to the TAIC’s Wellington technical facility for further examinatio­n, investigat­or-in-charge Ian McClelland said.

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