The Press

Seddon still hurting from quake

- Sven Herselman

Seddon residents are still hurting a year after two massive earthquake­s shook their homes and businesses.

On August 16, 2013, a magnitude-6.6 quake struck the region, which was still reeling from a 6.5 quake in the area on July 21.

A year on, Rev Dawn Daunauda said many residents were still working through the experience.

‘‘There is resilience but not without trauma. When there is even a small tremor, people freeze,’’ she said.

Seddon resident of 68 years James Jermyn, who moved to Blenheim about a year before the earthquake­s but still has family in the area, said residents put on a brave face but the hurt was still there.

‘‘People are still affected mentally and physically. It’s important to . . . talk about it,’’ he said.

Many are still rebuilding, with more than 800 claims for damages yet to be settled.

According to the latest informatio­n from the Earthquake Commission, 3245 claims in Marlboroug­h have been dealt with and 859 await resolution. More than $18.6 million in claims has been paid out so far by EQC.

Seddon resident and volunteer firefighte­r Phil Noakes had vivid memories of the earthquake­s. ‘‘After the July one, my wife and I talked about what we would do if there was another. We put a plan in place for her to go to her sister’s place because I would be involved with helping out, and it worked well,’’ he said.

The day of the August earthquake was his day off but there would be no rest for the emergency services, and he didn’t get to see his wife until late that night.

Having a day to celebrate the community getting through the ordeal was a good idea, he said.

‘‘There are still a lot of people who are affected. We have had some small shakes since then and it really gets your adrenaline going,’’ Noakes said.

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