The Press

Gallery to open in December

- The distinctiv­e glass facade of the Christchur­ch Art Gallery is being repaired ahead of the planned reopening in December. Charlie Gates

Christchur­ch Art Gallery will reopen to the public in December after nearly five years of closure.

The opening show will be a celebratio­n of the city’s art collection, with the artworks taking over the whole building for the first time.

Gallery director Jenny Harper said they are planning a ‘‘three-month summer of arts’’ to mark the reopening. ‘‘For the first time, the whole gallery will be 100 per cent Christchur­ch collection.

‘‘We will bring out a huge number of old favourites and a range of works which we have bought or have been given since we have been closed.’’

The gallery was planning a three-month summer of arts, Harper said. ‘‘There will be a whole range of events and bands and performanc­es.

‘‘Our main focus is to open the doors and let the people in. Our gallery will be full of our collection again.

‘‘It will be amazing. I think our reopening is crucial to this city. The Christchur­ch Art Gallery is the absolute cornerston­e of arts in Christchur­ch.

‘‘It is a really important space by day and by night as well.’’

Base isolation work on the gallery building is scheduled for completion in November. The gallery’s glass facade is being repaired and some staff will be able to move back into the building in September.

There was no specific opening date yet as repair work could be delayed. ‘‘At the moment we are still on track to open prior to Christmas. It will be fairly close to the holiday break.

‘‘We can’t be sure of the exact date yet, there are still possible things that could delay us. But at the moment, we are on track.’’

Harper said the opening of the gallery was delayed to allow seismic strengthen­ing work and base isolation to be installed.

‘‘We have made the decision to make sure this gallery is resilient enough and we will never have to close again for this long.

‘‘Should there be another seismic event like this, it would be a matter of days, rather than years to reopen. This way we can ensure the safety of our people, our collection and potential [loaned artwork].’’

It will be amazing. I think our reopening is crucial to this city. Jenny Harper Christchur­ch Art Gallery director

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