The Press

Collie heads Camp Quality

- Wayne Collie, of Cromwell, is the new chairman ofCampQual­ityNewZeal­and.

A Cromwell Lion is the new head of a national volunteer group that helps children living with cancer.

Wayne Collie was voted in as Camp Quality New Zealand’s (CQNZ) new chairman at its annual general meeting this month. Collie, who has been a board member and independen­t trustee for six years, succeeds former New Zealand and Auckland cricket representa­tive Gary Troup.

Camp Quality is a not-for-profit volunteer organisati­on establishe­d 30 years ago. It is dedicated to bringing fun, hope and happiness to New Zealand children living with cancer, providing week-long regional summer camps for young people from five to 16-years-old, as well as year-round support for the children and their families.

Collie had been a Lion for more than 30 years, was a former district governor and New Zealand council chairman and was passionate about bettering the lives of young people, he said.

‘‘We are a small country and our young people are our greatest asset. In my time at Camp Quality I have been truly inspired by the spirit and positive attitude shown by so many of our youngsters and their families.

‘‘Like many not-for-profits, Camp Quality has to battle for a share of voice in a very crowded space. I’m sure I speak for the CQNZ Board when I say we are all committed to making a positive difference, helping to lift our profile and making more New Zealanders aware of the positive outcomes Camp Quality New Zealand continues to achieve.’’

Around 150 young New Zealanders are diagnosed with cancer each year.

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