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ARIES (Mar 21 to Apr 20) Creative thinking helps you solve a problem that’s been bothering you. Don’t make a final decision though – sleep on it. A relationsh­ip with a child or friend is about to improve in leaps and bounds. TAURUS (Apr 21 to May 21) Home is where the heart is today Taurus, as you are proactive about solving a domestic issue or patching up a disagreeme­nt with a family member. Creative projects are also favoured. GEMINI (May 22 to Jun 21) You’re in the mood to help out in your local community - but are you taking your relationsh­ip responsibi­lities seriously? Some Twins will revisit an old romance that hasn’t quite finished. CANCER (Jun 22 to Jul 23) The more proactive and experiment­al you are – especially at work – then the more successful you’ll be. If you are uncertain how to handle a loved one, let your intuition show you the way. LEO (Jul 24 to Aug 23) With three planets activating your peer group zone, make sure you nurture and enjoy the friends and acquaintan­ces you have. But tread gingerly with a child or teenager who’s feeling grumpy. VIRGO (Aug 24 to Sep 23) Progress at school or work has been slow but that’s about to change. So make sure you are ready to pounce when circumstan­ces alter. There is no substitute for being thoroughly prepared. LIBRA (Sep 24 to Oct 23) Close relationsh­ips are favoured today Libra, as Pluto power helps you view a current problem in a positive new light. Your imaginatio­n is also cranking so get those creative juices flowing! SCORPIO (Oct 24 to Nov 22) Venus and Jupiter are lighting up your work zone so it’s your chance to really get ahead. However, don’t let profession­al progress happen at the expense of your family, friends and personal life. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 23 to Dec 22) Has a close relationsh­ip been difficult over the past few weeks? You can expect a gradual improvemen­t in communicat­ion – as long as you are willing to put in the time and effort required. CAPRICORN (Dec 23 to Jan 20) A family or domestic problem won’t shift if you just keep doing the same old things. A completely innovative approach is needed, if you really want things to change. So get creative Capricorn! AQUARIUS (Jan 21 to Feb 19) Are you ready to jump out of a rut Aquarius? Be proactive about seeking out fresh friendship­s and innovative informatio­n today. Expanding your connection­s via social media will also be beneficial. PISCES (Feb 20 to Mar 20) Do all you can to feel good about yourself today. Make sure you surround yourself with plenty of positive people who support your Piscean creativity and encourage your daily dreams.

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