The Press

Critic fears trade agreement threat to SOEs

- Tom Pullar-Strecker

The Trans Pacific Partnershi­p (TPP) agreement could stop New Zealand setting up new stateowned enterprise­s for sectors such as public broadcasti­ng or insurance, an academic says.

Auckland University professor Jane Kelsey said a proposed chapter in the controvers­ial trade agreement could also ban special financial or regulatory assistance to existing state-owned enterprise­s (SOEs) or Air New Zealand-style bailouts.

The chapter would not ban SOEs outright, but aimed ‘‘to constrain government­s giving any preferenti­al treatment to state enterprise­s that private enterprise­s might see as damaging to their competitiv­e position’’, she said.

The prospects of a TPP agreement being reached jumped this week after just enough Republican­s in the United States senate voted to give President Barack Obama the power to ‘‘fast track’’ the negotiatio­ns.

Kelsey, a vocal critic of the trade agreement, said her knowledge of the SOE chapter was based on meetings she had with negotiator­s over the past five years.

A report by the Washington­based Wilson Center think tank said US businesses wanted rules in the agreement that would ensure they were not disadvanta­ged by support for state enterprise­s in other countries.

It forecast Vietnam, with about 1000 SOEs, would be most affected.

US negotiator­s had to develop rules ‘‘that limited the potential for trade distortion­s by other country’s SOEs’’ while protecting its own state-backed firms such as mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the think tank said.

Kelsey said the exact rules would not be clear until the wording of the chapter was made public ‘‘but there is no question that this chapter is part of the final deal’’.

The Treasury said that as of June last year, 18,979 people were employed by state-owned enterprise­s which contribute­d 2.1 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). The Government spent $1.4 billion ‘‘supporting troubled SOEs in the past seven years’’, the Treasury said.

Concerns surroundin­g the impact of the TPP agreement on New Zealand have centred on the extra rights the agreement is expected to give to multinatio­nal pharmaceut­ical companies and the tightening of other intellectu­al property rights.

But Kelsey said the possible impact on SOEs was ‘‘a very big issue for New Zealand’’.

 ?? Photos: REUTERS ?? US senators Barbara Boxer, left, and Jeff Session (right) arrive at the US senate for a procedural vote on the TransPacif­ic Partnershi­p agreement.
Photos: REUTERS US senators Barbara Boxer, left, and Jeff Session (right) arrive at the US senate for a procedural vote on the TransPacif­ic Partnershi­p agreement.
 ??  ?? Protesters demonstrat­e against the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (TPP) trade agreement in Washington on Monday.
Protesters demonstrat­e against the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (TPP) trade agreement in Washington on Monday.

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