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ARIES (Mar 21 to Apr 20) Are you obsessed about an issue at work or home? Avoid being short-sighted and making impulsive moves. A calm, considered approach - with a view to the long-term - is the best way to go. TAURUS (Apr 21 to May 21) Research projects and paying close attention to details are favoured, as the stars activate your study gene. But, when it comes to a close relationsh­ip, are you pulling your weight? GEMINI (May 22 to Jun 21) You have a natural Gemini gift of the gab but try to edit what comes out of your mouth, otherwise you may say something that you later regret. Not everyone wants to hear what you have to say. CANCER (Jun 22 to Jul 23) Are you having romantic or platonic partnershi­p problems? The more emotionall­y stubborn you are, the more frustratin­g the day will be. Venus encourages Crabs to be more cooperativ­e. LEO (Jul 24 to Aug 23) There may be some confusion between what you want and what a loved one needs. Try to communicat­e your thoughts and ideas in simple language, so there is less room for misunderst­andings. VIRGO (Aug 24 to Sep 23) Today’s stars encourage your tendency to obsess about minor matters, and take yourself way too seriously. If you must worry, make sure it’s over something that’s actually important. LIBRA (Sep 24 to Oct 23) A domestic drama or relationsh­ip problem takes up your time, as you do your best to smooth things over. If anyone can calm troubled waters and soothe furrowed brows, it’s a diplomatic Libran! SCORPIO (Oct 24 to Nov 22) Today’s stars encourage your intense side, but brooding and stewing over something won’t improve the situation. So simmer down Scorpio, and strive to be more comfortabl­e and relaxed. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 23 to Dec 22) Money matters look complicate­d today, and balancing the budget should be your number one priority. A child, teenager or friend may surprise you by making an unexpected move. CAPRICORN (Dec 23 to Jan 20) Are you being too private? Just remember that what you hide from others, you can also hide from yourself! So strive to be open and honest about your dreams and aspiration­s for the future. AQUARIUS (Jan 21 to Feb 19) You may replay a scene or conversati­on over and over in your head today Aquarius. But are you facing the facts – or putting a naı¨ve Neptunian spin on what really happened? PISCES (Feb 20 to Mar 20) When it comes to plans for the future, you’re full of innovative ideas and creative schemes. But can you tell the difference between a delicious daydream and a dodgy delusion?

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