The Press

New hope for woman with Crohn’s disease


Feeling nauseous, drained of energy and bloated may be about to change for those living with Crohn’s.

New Zealand is one of six countries participat­ing in a study aiming to combat the gastrointe­stinal disease that affects more than 20,000 Kiwis.

MAP US will randomise 270 participan­ts, who will take a combinatio­n of three antibiotic­s in the form of a pill.

It is expected participan­ts will go into remission at week 26 of the study, although this may vary. The study lasts for 62 weeks.

The news has given hope to a Christchur­ch woman, who has both glycogen storage disease (GSD) and Crohn’s disease.

Ashleigh Lilley cannot have medication currently on the market for Crohn’s because it attacks her immune system, which is already made near nonexisten­t from GSD.

‘‘Crohn’s stops you from doing so much, even daily tasks like getting out of bed in the morning. You have no energy and just feel so tired, like having a shower. I’m run down as it is.

‘‘It makes you bloated as well, so I never feel good about myself and it’s hard to find clothes which fit properly.’’

Without a successful drug, Lilley will need a colostomy bag.

She was told she was unable to work two years ago. Before that, she was a receptioni­st.

‘‘Because I had diarrhoea and vomiting with Crohn’s, I found I would be on the phone and in a middle of a conversati­on I had to run off to the toilet.’’

Lilley then tried studying, but on her first day of an early-childhood course she was admitted to hospital for seven weeks.

Crohn’s and Colitis New Zealand chairman Brian Poole said living with Crohn’s could be isolating.

‘‘If you can imagine a bowel that’s being emptied 20 or 30 times a day, it breaks your confidence.’’

Poole said the disease was rife in New Zealand, with more than 20,000 people living with it each day.

‘‘People don’t like talking about their bowels.’’

He thought the drug trial was positive, but it would not solve everyone’s problems.

‘‘It’s like another tool in the toolbox for gastroente­rologists to use.’’

Professor Thomas Borody helped develop the medical idea behind the trial.

His approach to Crohn’s is different because it treats the cause as infectious, the culprit being Mycobacter­ium avium subsp. paratuberc­ulosis (MAP).

In animals, MAP causes Johne’s disease, a chronic wasting intestinal diarrhoeal disease similar to Crohn’s.

‘‘ When I developed this, I wasn’t even spoken to by the gastroente­rologist society ... physicians disbelieve­d, did not support and openly criticised the idea,’’ he said.

Borody said the drug would be most effective for those who had recently been diagnosed with Crohn’s.

The trial is already open in New Zealand for applicatio­ns.

 ??  ?? Ashleigh Lilley needs new drugs.
Ashleigh Lilley needs new drugs.

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