The Press

Is raising age for tests a concern?


The Ministry of Health is raising the age women begin having cervical smear tests, used to detect human papilloma virus (HPV), from 20 to 25.

Q: Are the Ministry of Health’s changes to cervical cancer screening any cause for concern? A: Associate Professor Merilyn Hibma, of the department of pathology at the University of Otago, responds:

Cervical cancer may occur when there is a long-term infection with human papillomav­irus (HPV).

There are many types of HPV that infect our skin. It is only when the infection is with a ‘‘cancercaus­ing’’ HPV, and when the infection is not cleared by our body’s immune system, that there is a risk of cancer developing.

The HPV infection causes changes to the cells of the cervix that can be detected by the ‘‘pap’’ smear. These changes indicate a greater risk that cancer could occur and, depending on the type of change, are monitored or treated.

The HPV vaccine protects against the two major cancercaus­ing virus types – 16 and 18. Vaccinatio­n should be administer­ed prior to sexual activity and works best in younger women.

The vaccine is very effective for the two cancer-causing types, but vaccinated women are still at risk of infection with other types. Also, the vaccinatio­n rates in New Zealand are relatively low, and unvaccinat­ed women are particular­ly at risk of developing cellular changes that may lead to cancer.

The Ministry of Health is planning to use a new test that identifies HPV DNA in the future. This test is very sensitive for detecting HPV, but a positive test is not always associated with cellular changes or persistent infection, particular­ly in women under 25.

By commencing screening after 25 years of age, the risk of unnecessar­y treatment in young women is reduced.

An effective screening programme to prevent cervical cancer requires participat­ion.

With good participat­ion in screening by women, this change in age of commenceme­nt of screening will not reduce the effectiven­ess of the screening programme in New Zealand. ❚ Source - Science Media Centre

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