The Press

A final shopping list for PM John Key


A shopping list for John Key for a few quick changes before he leaves on Monday.

1. Withdraw the bill on district health boards ’’deciding’’ on mass fluoridati­on. Provide free fluoridate­d toothpaste to those that want it if you must but to sentence Kiwis to this form of mass medication is completely unacceptab­le.

2. Withdraw the Natural Health Products Bill. Let people make their own decisions.

3. Stop the fracking: it poisons the earth and encourages earthquake­s.

4. Clean up the waterways and lakes. Respect the environmen­t. No compromise­s.

5. Stop the GMOs coming in. Turn this country into the organic breadbaske­t of the world.

6. Clip the ticket on every tourist that visits ($50 per person) and charge visitors for entry to key national parks. Pay that money to local councils and DOC to be able to properly deal with these guests that get so much for nothing.

They will continue to come but it is unfair for ratepayers and DOC to pick up the bills on escalating tourism infrastruc­ture.

7. Turn the tap off the ridiculous levels of immigratio­n. It’s not good for our country. It’s a tax grab for now that will cost immense amounts in infrastruc­ture in the future.

8. Crank up the restrictio­ns on foreign buyers. Allow Kiwis to buy homes in their own country again rather than these foreign buyers coming in and purchasing 25 to 30 homes in Akl in a weekend and then putting them all up for rent.

9. Don’t forget Kiwis in Christchur­ch and Kaikoura who are still struggling. Help them to rapidly get what they are owed from insurance companies and the Earthquake Commission.

10. Allow the expert miners to enter the Pike River mine as volunteers to provide closure for these devastated families who wish for this.

11.Ease up on the stifling everincrea­sing laws and restrictio­ns before all Kiwis are carrying clipboards and wearing hi-vis jackets, too scared to do anything. Mary Hobbs

Aoraki-Mt Cook

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