The Press

The problem with younger bosses

Having a younger boss isn’t just awkward, it could also hurt performanc­e.


It’s an awkward experience so relatable – the older employee who works for a younger boss – that Hollywood has made movies about it.

Remember Dennis Quaid’s incredulou­s look at the much younger Topher Grace in the 2004 film In Good Company, when the middle-aged ad exec finds his new corporate boss standing in his office? ‘‘How old are you?’’ Quaid’s character asks, dumbfounde­d.

But it turns out that uneasy feeling isn’t the only problem. A younger boss steering older subordinat­es may also have an effect on company performanc­e.

An academic study recently published online by the Journal of Organizati­onal Psychology surveyed nearly 8000 employees at 61 German companies and found that at companies with more younger managers of older employees, workers reported 12 per cent more negative emotions on the job.

Meanwhile, the companies with more of these negative emotions fared worse when it came to top managers’ reports about financial and organisati­onal performanc­e in the survey.

The paper is a reminder that, despite all the good that merit systems can do when they’re not based on seniority, they’re also not without their downsides.

Doing away with age-based promotions helps prevent stagnant hierarchie­s, frees up fresh talent and reinforces performanc­e over longevity.

But it also sets up dynamics between colleagues that are not only uncomforta­ble for some, but can be detrimenta­l to productivi­ty if not well managed.

That awkward feeling when your boss could be your son’s friend is a phenomenon psychologi­sts call ‘‘status incongruen­ce’’.

‘‘They contradict common career and status norms,’’ said Florian Kunze, a co-author of the paper and a professor at the University of Konstanz in Germany.

That prompts negative feelings, particular­ly among the older workers, and ‘‘these negative feelings can also spread throughout a company also to employees who are not directly part of the unusual age supervisor­y relationsh­ip’’.

It doesn’t help that people working for a younger boss are reminded of these incongruen­ces every workday by the person responsibl­e for their livelihood.

‘‘When faced with being supervised by a younger person, older employees are forced to recognise their lack of progress,’’ Kunze and his co-author wrote in the paper. ‘‘Working daily under a younger supervisor, older subordinat­es are constantly reminded that they have failed to keep pace.’’

If people suppress those negative feelings, and keep them to themselves, the same outcome may be better. Indeed, Kunze’s paper found just that.

The hit to company performanc­e was neutralise­d in workplaces where employees said the culture prompted people to keep their emotions in check.

Of course, a workplace where people feel they have to suppress their emotions isn’t a great longterm solution – but neither is returning to a seniority-driven promotion scheme.

That’s why Kunze and his coauthor suggest managers invest in training, be more sensitive to these potentiall­y uncomforta­ble relationsh­ips and assess employees’ feelings about such issues more frequently to stay on top of any signs of trouble.

‘‘Recent research has shown that young managers are most successful in these situations if they create a profession­al distance with the older subordinat­e and provide autonomy to [them] by setting clear targets and goals,’’ Kunze said.

It’s an important reminder, because the awkward scenario is only likely to grow. Sometime early last year, millennial­s surpassed Generation X to become the largest generation in the workforce. –Washington Post

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‘‘Working daily under a younger supervisor, older subordinat­es are constantly reminded that they have failed to keep pace.’’

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