The Press

Nasa to explore asteroids


Nasa will launch two new missions to asteroids in search of clues about the early solar system, the space agency has announced.

The first mission, scheduled to launch in 2021, will send a probe to study the Trojan asteroids that swarm around Jupiter and are thought to be relics of the earliest days of the solar system. The project has been dubbed ‘‘Lucy,’’ in honour of the 3.2-million-yearold Australopi­thecus who is humanity’s most famous ancient relative.

The second, slated for 2023, will send an orbiter to 16 Psyche, a massive metallic object in the asteroid belt that is thought to be the exposed iron core of a protoplane­t.

The missions are part of Nasa’s Discovery Programme, launched in 1992 to promote what then-Nasa administra­tor Daniel Goldin called ‘‘better, faster, cheaper’’ solar system exploratio­n. Discovery projects are shorter, more focused and smaller in scale than the average mission, and their costs are capped at around US$500 million ($712m).

But they still do some pretty cool science. Mars Pathfinder – which successful­ly set the first rover to explore Mars – was a Discovery mission. So were Messenger, the first (and so far, only) orbital survey of Mercury; Dawn, which is studying the two biggest objects in the asteroid belt, Vesta and Ceres; and the Kepler Space Telescope, which has found thousand of exoplanets orbiting far-off stars, including nearly two dozen in the ‘‘habitable zone’’.

‘‘We’ve explored terrestria­l planets, gas giants, and a range of other bodies orbiting the sun,’’ Jim Green, Nasa’s planetary science director, said.

‘‘Lucy will observe primitive remnants from farther out in the solar system, while Psyche will directly observe the interior of a planetary body. These additional pieces of the puzzle will help us understand how the sun and its family of planets formed, changed over time, and became places where life could develop and be sustained – and what the future may hold.’’

Both Lucy and Psyche will seek to reveal the secrets of the solar system’s beginnings.

The six Trojan Asteroids to be explored by Lucy are dark bodies thought to have been pulled into orbits near Jupiter during the early days of the solar system, when planets were still forming and migrating into their current positions.

Psyche, meanwhile, can provide clues about what happens inside a planet’s core. The 210-kilometre-wide asteroid is made of mostly iron and nickel, not ice and rock like other asteroids. Scientists think it may be the exposed core of an early planet that lost its rocky exterior during a series of violent collisions not long after it was formed.

There is no other object like it in the solar system. – Washington Post

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