The Press

Frustratin­g and dangerous traffic lights


Turning arrows at the intersecti­on of Memorial Ave and Clyde Rd do not provide safety for pedestrian­s.

Recently, as I crossed on two occasions I was startled to be confronted with right-turning vehicles on the intersecti­on – well after the green pedestrian phase had started.

The first time the vehicle came from behind me and on my return two vehicles drove onto the intersecti­on cutting us off. There were young children with adults also crossing on both occasions.

When I reached safety I was told by an onlooker that this happens frequently at this intersecti­on.

Perhaps a police presence might be a deterrent for this dangerous practise. Helen Collie Darfield

Forced to run orange lights

I agree that right turning arrows should be installed on all traffic lights at major intersecti­ons. For example, try coming down Carmen Rd in Hornby and turning right into Buchanans Rd, especially in peak hour traffic.

I can wait 5 mins or more waiting to turn, as there is no arrow. Two cars have to run an orange light just to turn. I’m sure there are accidents waiting to happen. This needs urgent attention. Judy Jackson Hei Hei

CBD clogged

For the first time in several weeks I had to drive in the central city recently. What a mess.

I will not be frequentin­g the area even after the road works have finished.

In Durham St I could have touched the side of the City Care truck as we waited for the lights.

I hope it is not me or someone I know who has an episode requiring and ambulance or a fire engine because they will be dead or the building razed before any help can get near. R Lucas Papanui

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