The Press

The men who did the most to preserve our forests


Elizabeth Orr’s 254-page book Keeping New Zealand Green is not a Greenie tract. It explores the historical reputation of the New Zealand Forest Service. Half a dozen histories of New Zealand forestry have already been written so, one might ask, can anything new be said about it? Well, quite a lot.

The story turns on the Forest Service’s role in shaping policies for managing native bush and pine plantation­s. We also learn about standoffs between the service and politician­s, saw millers, the pulp and paper industry, and environmen­talists.

In the 1800s, milling played an important part in developing the country, as native forests were indiscrimi­nately felled to build the colony’s houses, or used as fence posts, railway sleepers and firewood.

About 1913, our first director of forestry, MacIntosh Ellis, realised that the bush was not an inexhausti­ble resource, so looked overseas for faster-growing trees. By the 1920s, he settled on radiata pine, and set about planting vast plantation­s in both the North and South Islands, to reduce the demand on native timber.

Ellis retired in 1939 and was succeeded by Alexander Entrican, the father of author Elizabeth Orr. More on this later.

Entrican remained director of the Forest Service until 1961. During World War II, he suddenly had to find enough timber to build huts for 20,000 American troops and 19 military hospitals.

He later took a hand in setting up the huge pulp and paper industry, in convincing Australian millers to buy our radiata wood, in sending trainees to forestry schools in Australia, Europe, and America, in setting up the Forest Research Institute in Rotorua, and in establishi­ng a forestry school at Canterbury University.

Above all, Entrican worked for the sustainabi­lity of native forests.

Driven by economic ideology (‘‘the market must reign supreme’’), the Labour Government in 1987 disestabli­shed the Forest Service. ‘‘Concern for sustainabi­lity flew out the window’’ writes Orr.

A contributi­ng factor to the service’s demise was the misleading propaganda spread by urban conservati­onists who asserted that the Forest Service did little more than grow pine trees and mill native forests.

Orr, a one time chancellor of Victoria University, did a lot of legwork to write this book. She ransacked National Archives, with its mountain of committee minutes and department­al letters, accessed previously embargoed Treasury files, and interviewe­d more than 40 former staff members of the Forest Service.

A recurring theme is the farsighted vision of Ellis and Entrican. Orr attempts to put right the many misconcept­ions and misunderst­andings about their policy making.

The Forest Service did far more than grow pine trees and mill native forests.

These directors and their lieutenant­s played a proud part in conserving native bush by limiting logging of state forests wherever possible, by slowing the sale of native timber overseas, by encouragin­g the establishm­ent of national parks, and lowering the rate of forest burning.

‘‘Without exception’’ Orr writes, ‘‘the directors of the Forest Service had done more than anybody else to preserve what remained of the state forests’’.

In her final chapter, the author makes practical suggestion­s about preserving the diversity of our remaining forests. ❚ Keeping New Zealand Green: Our Forests and their Future, by Elizabeth Orr. Steele Roberts Aotearoa, 2017, $44.99.

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