The Press

N Korea test-fires missile as US-led drills begin


NORTH KOREA: North Korea yesterday test-launched a ballistic missile that landed in the Sea of Japan. The launch is a direct challenge to the new South Korean president elected four days ago and comes as US, Japanese and European navies gather for joint war games in the Pacific.

It wasn’t immediatel­y clear what type of ballistic missile was launched, although the US Pacific Command said ``the flight is not consistent with an interconti­nental ballistic missile’'.

Outside militaries will closely analyse what the North fired. While Pyongyang regularly tests shorter-range missiles, it is also working to master the technology needed to field nuclear-tipped missiles that can reach the US mainland.

Past North Korean missiles have flown farther than yesterday’s test, landing closer to Japan, but this launch follows a series of high-profile failures.

Whatever the type of missile, the launch forces the new South Korean leader, Moon Jae In, to put dealing with Pyongyang, at least for now, above the domestic economic agenda he’d made a priority during his early days in office.

Moon, a liberal who favours a softer approach to the North than his conservati­ve predecesso­rs, condemned the launch during an emergency national security meeting, calling it a clear violation of United Nations Security Council resolution­s and a serious challenge to internatio­nal peace and security, according to senior presidenti­al secretary Yoon Young Chan.

``The president expressed deep regret over the fact that this provocatio­n occurred just days after a new government was launched in South Korea,’' Yoon said. ``The president said we are leaving open the possibilit­y of dialogue with North Korea, but we should sternly deal with a provocatio­n to prevent North Korea from miscalcula­ting.’'

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the missile flew about 800km from a launch site on North Korea’s western coast for about 30 minutes and landed in the Sea of Japan, but not inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone.

Japan’s Defence Ministry said the missile likely reached an altitude of 2000km. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters that the launch is ``absolutely unacceptab­le’' and that Japan will respond resolutely.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that the missile was fired early yesterday morning from near Kusong, in North Phyongan province.

North Korea’s past satellite rocket launches have been called clandestin­e tests of ICBM technology, but it is not believed to have tested a true interconti­nental ballistic missile yet. The Trump administra­tion has called North Korean ballistic and nuclear efforts unacceptab­le and has swung between threats of military action and offers to talk as it formulates a policy.

The North’s state media said on Saturday the nation would bolster its nuclear capability unless the US abandons its hostile policy.

``The United States should never expect us to give up our nuclear capability,’' the main Rodong newspaper said in a commentary carried by the Korean Central News Agency. It said US President Donald Trump’s ``maximum pressure and engagement’' policy is only aimed at ``stifling us’' and will compel the North to ``strengthen our nuclear deterrent at the maximum speed.’'

Troops from the US, Japan and two European nations have gathered on remote US islands in the Pacific for drills that are partly a message to North Korea. The USS Carl Vinson, an aircraft supercarri­er, is also engaging with South Korean navy ships off the Korean Peninsula, according to Seoul’s Defense Ministry. – AP

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