The Press

Euthanasia legislatio­n a ‘slippery slope’


Duncan Garner’s opinion article on euthanasia (June 10) pointed to the future if David Seymour’s bill passes: there will be pressure to make euthanasia requiremen­ts less restricted.

He writes that ’’Seymour’s bill is so responsibl­e it has critics saying it has too many safeguards. He has been overly cautious to get the debate under way’’.

The debate has been under way for a long time now.

What Garner is really saying is that because MPs have not passed euthanasia yet, and with good reason, let’s make the bill overly cautious and then over time relax the restrictio­ns.

This is exactly what has happened in other parts of the world where euthanasia has been legalised.

Sounds like Seymour and Garner are happy to get on that slippery slope as soon as possible. Let’s not. Dan Martin Ilam

Protect the vulnerable

Duncan Garner’s conclusion­s are challenged. The contentiou­s and dangerous End of Life Choice bill, in the interest of the most vulnerable members of our community, should not be sent to a select committee.

It is not the business of Parliament to empower the strong to kill the weak.

The health select committee has been dealing with the issue of assisted suicide and allowing doctors to give patients a lethal injection for two years.

The committee received 21,277 written submission­s and heard more than 1200 oral submission­s. This is the most authentic poll of public opinion.

A detailed analysis of all the submission­s revealed that 77 per cent [16,411] were opposed to euthanasia. Euthanasia is a ravenous wolf dressed as a lamb. Ken Orr Shirley

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