The Press

Sam’s sculpture and pen score blows


What a truly articulate and very clever Perspectiv­e article The Press published in its Friday 13th paper.

Sam Mahon turned the cards on a ‘‘rates-subsided leach’’ in a wellwritte­n and fact-displaying article.

This should have the upper echelon of this suspect organisati­on squirming with embarrassm­ent over the ludicrous spending of public money in its bully-boy attempt to subdue the artist of publicly displaying his choice of protest.

Sam’s choice of words left Environmen­t Canterbury (ECan) little room to hide and scored a huge body blow on behalf of ratepayers.

Again, the pen (and sculpture) is mightier than the sword.

Chris Cunningham­e


Ignore offensive art

Why do you persist is giving crap artist Mahon the oxygen of publicity for his offensive and extreme views on one of our hard-working and decent ministers?

Mahon’s crappy little bit of craft deserves no more than the rest of us turning our backs, or at most going to the effort of pulling down our pants and bending over in its general direction.

But that would be infantile, yet most apt.

Charles W Etheringto­n


State of water appalling

Thanks to Sam Mahon for the excellent article about his sculpture.

Some people may be shocked and disgusted it. Good.

As for me, I am far more shocked and disgusted by the appalling shameful state of our water.

Hilary Wilson

New Brighton

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 ??  ?? Sam Mahon
Sam Mahon

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