The Press

Minority democracy

In a few words


Living wage can work

In response to Ann Thompson’s letter on the minimum wage (Oct 13), I think she is mistaken about the effects of a living wage corrupting food prices and the like. I know for a fact that there is enough money for everyone, just some dont like to share.

S Percival


Weinstein’s wealth

Leading politician­s are under pressure to return their campaign contributi­ons from Harvey Weinstein. Lucky him. That will fund his contributi­ons to more victims, no doubt?

David L Smith


Winnie the Pooh

Little children often have imaginary friends. Winston’s board members are imaginary friends and they are all called Winston.

Paul Grainger


If democracy is rule by majority decision, why is Mr Seven Per Cent telling us he is going to change the way things are done in NZ?

Vic Smith


This will slow them down

Perhaps the police should look at how the Aussies run their speed cameras and put a sign up saying cameras operate in this area. It works extremely well. Not sure how much revenue it gathers, but sure slows everyone down.

Les Cliff


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