The Press

Vietnamese child traffickin­g victims vanishing from councils’ care


Scores of Vietnamese children rescued from trafficker­s and placed in local authority care in the UK have gone missing and are feared to have fallen back into the hands of slave masters.

Crime gangs are re-traffickin­g victims and local authoritie­s are failing in their duty to safeguard children, figures obtained through freedom of informatio­n requests suggest.

More than 150 Vietnamese minors have disappeare­d from care and foster homes since 2015, with almost 90 others going missing


temporaril­y. Most go missing within two days of entering care.

At least 21 have vanished in recent months, including 12 from Rochdale, Greater Manchester. That council’s child protection record is already under scrutiny after the child grooming scandal and the public inquiry into the Cyril Smith case [long-serving MP for Rochdale, the subject of numerous allegation­s of child sexual abuse since his death in 2010].

Young traffickin­g victims of other nationalit­ies have suffered a similar plight, with growing concern about the number of missing Albanian children.

Baroness Butler-Sloss, chairwoman of the all-party parliament­ary group on human traffickin­g and modern slavery, described the figures as ‘‘very disturbing’’ but said she believed there were far more at risk.

The former president of the family division of the High Court added: ‘‘The Home Office should explore the possibilit­y of identifyin­g that Vietnamese children present a particular, special problem and are most likely to leave immediatel­y or quickly after coming to care. Some special arrangemen­t should be made for them.’’

Kevin Hyland, the independen­t anti-slavery commission­er, has expressed concern at the ‘‘frequency and speed’’ with which Vietnamese minors go missing. He said the case of a teenager taken from care twice showed ‘‘a lack of profession­alism in the response to the plight of traffickin­g victims’’.

Official figures show that 8670 children were recorded missing at least once while in local authority care in 2016. The majority of incidents were shortlived – from a few hours to two days.

Informatio­n from 430 local authoritie­s reveal 152 Vietnamese children have permanentl­y disappeare­d from 2015 to date, with 88 others going missing temporaril­y. The secretive nature of traffickin­g and the poor quality of official records suggest the true scale is much higher.

There is a recognised issue of young Vietnamese claiming to be minors so they can avoid immigratio­n detention and be placed instead in local council care, from which it is easier to abscond.

Vietnamese children or their families pay trafficker­s up to £30,000 (NZ$56,000) to reach Britain, which can bind them into forced labour for years. The victims, most of whom are male, are given mobiles or told to memorise phone numbers so that they can contact their trafficker­s, who then force them to work in cannabis farms, nail bars and brothels.

James Simmonds-Read, of the Children’s Society, said victims did not feel secure after being rescued. ‘‘Children freak out and go missing and back to the people that trafficked and abused them.’’

Helen Johnson, head of children’s services at the Refugee Council, said almost every Vietnamese child smuggled into the UK was in debt bondage and while ‘‘local authoritie­s should be alert to that, some are not’’.

‘‘If children are treated with hostility, they’ll believe what trafficker­s tell them: that they won’t be helped or believed and that they are in debt.’’ – The Times

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