The Press

Lorde’s dilemma


It’s no surprise Israel’s

ambassador to NZ wishes to meet Lorde for ‘friendly discussion­s’ over the cancelatio­n of her tour of Israel.

It is equally no surprise the Israeli internatio­nal propaganda machine has swung into action.

Ambassador Gerberg’s statement that Lorde is

succumbing to ‘hateful agenda’ of the disinvestm­ent policy promoted by the Boycott Disinvestm­ent Sanctions (BDS) movement, and is ‘encouragin­g animosity in the region’ by refusing to play Tel Aviv (Press Dec 28) is pure alternativ­e facts.

One does not need to embrace

BDS policy to protest the welldocume­nted illegality and inhumanity of Israel’s occupation.

I suggest she accept Ambassador Gerberg’s invitation then travel to Israel and Palestine on a private visit; on the condition she have unrestrict­ed access to the West Bank and Gaza, and its political leaders, so she may make an informed decision re a possible concert based on her own observatio­ns and conscience.

As ‘the only democracy in the Middle East,’ according to the ambassador, the proposal will meet with his approval I’m sure.

G.M Waring


"Walking near the river should be both pleasurabl­e and practical."

Christina Smith

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