The Press

Don’t mention the cathedral

In a few words


Aussie commentary

As the England innings draws to a close Mark (Tubby) Taylor the Australian commentato­r remarked the Alistair Cook would be the first Englishman to carry his bat through an innings since Mike Atherton in 1997.

He then added the rider ‘‘But that was against New Zealand’’.

Well Tubby, we may be ‘‘just New Zealanders’’ but we have never had to revert to underarm bowling to prevent a loss.

Red Sapwell


Making do with less

Why do rich people need more money, when the poor make do with less?

Glen McAdam

Kainga No matter the amount of money thrown at the make-over of Cathedral Square it cannot be overlooked that there will always be a large elephant in the room.

Heather Schofield


Ninety per cent compliance

So farmers think 90 per cent compliance is a pretty good effort and they deserve a pat on the back. This betrays the arrogant attitude of some farmers who seem to think complying with resource consents is a volutary aspiration, not a compulsory requiremen­t. Imagine if the airline industry only achieved 90 per cent compliance with regulation. Would you still fly?

Andy Cunninghym


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