The Press

Life from death

Most New Zealanders say they would like to be an organ donor. But only very few of us will donate. Aaron Leaman explains why in the latest part of the Life out of Death series.


There are busy people, and then there’s Taupo¯ Mayor David Trewavas.

As mayor of the popular lakeside town, Trewavas is often called on to attend weekend events or festivals.

It’s an aspect of the job the two-term mayor loves, especially given the challenges of the past 12 months. Earlier this year, the 55-year-old was told he would need a kidney transplant.

Years of taking blood pressure medication had worn out his kidneys.

Fortunatel­y for Trewavas, his wife, Anna, is a compatible – and willing – kidney donor. The transplant operation is set down for early 2018, pending Anna passing the last of six medical tests.

Since going public with his condition, Trewavas has been inundated with messages of support.

‘‘When I got the news I’d need a new kidney I was pretty nervous but my anxiety has gone away slightly because I’ve heard so many positive stories from people on the street, as well as family and friends,’’ he says.

About 463 New Zealanders are currently on the waiting list to receive a kidney. These organs can come from a living or deceased donor.

All up, 519 people are on an organ waiting list in New Zealand.

Trewavas lists himself as a donor on his driver’s licence but says he didn’t give the issue much thought until getting sick.

It’s a scenario that’s all too common, says Waikato Hospital intensivis­t (critical care specialist) Dr Nick Barnes.

‘‘Because a driver’s licence is issued every so often, people might put donor on their licence but then might not give it much thought after that,’’ Barnes says.

‘‘I think the reality is people go through life thinking it’s going to be pretty sweet, despite all the evidence around them.’’

For a person to be a deceased organ donor, they have to be on a breathing machine in an intensive care unit, and usually have severe brain damage.

Only one per cent of deaths in hospitals is compatible with organ donation.

Because of people’s unfamiliar­ity with organ donation, it can be an issue shrouded in misunderst­anding.

One of the most persistent myths is if a person identifies themselves as a donor on their driver’s licence, medical staff won’t work as hard to save them.

Such statements draw a subtle head shake from Barnes. In reality, doctors and nurses rarely know what’s on a person’s driver’s licence, he says.

‘‘We wouldn’t have a reason to ask if someone wished to be a donor until we think they’re dead or very near to it.

‘‘The patient is the top priority but once they’ve died, or be it brain dead and still on a ventilator, I explain to the family we can’t help them anymore.’’

Donor permission is always sought from families, even if a patient has stated their wish to be a donor on their licence.

Research shows families are more likely to give consent to organ donation if they know the wishes of loved ones.

The trends for organ donation in New Zealand over the past few years are heartening. In 2016, there were 61 deceased donors – an increase of 69 per cent since 2013.

Those 61 donors provided 181 organs. As of November 2017, 63 deceased patients have donated their organs.

A big reason for the rise in organ donation rates has been a quality improvemen­t programme run across the country’s intensive care units.

Organ Donation New Zealand medical specialist Dr James Judson says the programme has helped educate health profession­als to the possibilit­ies of organ donation in hospitals.

‘‘What happens in intensive care units is vital to the whole organ donation process,’’ Judson says.

Despite the good news, there are those who want to shake-up organ donation in New Zealand.

Campaigner­s such as Andy Tookey say life-saving donation opportunit­ies are being missed due to the ability of families to override the wishes of wouldbe donors.

Tookey took up his campaign 15 years ago after he was told his daughter Katie would eventually need a liver transplant.

His call for a donor’s wishes to be respected above those of their family doesn’t sit well with Barnes and Judson who say it’s a simplistic approach to what is a complex and frequently tragic situation.

‘‘Can you imagine vetoing a family’s wishes and what that would look like?’’ Barnes asks. ‘‘Can you imagine pulling a relative off a body and wheeling the person out, because I can’t.’’

In June, then Health Minister Jonathan Coleman released a national strategy aimed at increasing deceased organ donation and transplant­ation.

The strategy’s priorities include increasing public awareness of organ donation and expanding resources in hospitals for donation.

The strategy follows efforts to boost rates of live organ donation.

The Compensati­on for Live Organ Donors Act came into effect on December 5 and offers financial support to kidney and liver donors during their recovery from surgery.

Dr Nick Cross, clinical director of the National Renal Transplant Service, is encouraged by the strategy, saying the need to increase donor rates is as pressing as ever.

Each year, about 550 people develop kidney failure, requiring them to go on long-term dialysis or have a transplant.

Importantl­y, Cross says the national strategy is informed by happenings in Australia. The strategy’s aim to set up a national agency with a mandate to lift organ donation rates could see New Zealand end up with an organisati­on resembling Australia’s Organ and Tissue Authority (OTA).

‘‘If we can end up with something similar to OTA then I think the strategy will prove very successful and it will result in further growth in deceased organ donation,’’ Cross says.

In 2008, then Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd introduced a national reform programme aimed at increasing organ and tissue donation.

As part of the reform, Rudd’s government committed $150 million to the organ and tissue donation sector over four years.

Rudd himself is the recipient of a heart valve transplant.

The reform has proved remarkably successful, with 503 Australian­s becoming deceased organ donors in 2016 – an increase of 104 per cent since 2009.

Leading the country has been the state of Victoria. In 2016, 140 Victorians became deceased organ donors.

OTA national training coordinato­r Bernie Dwyer says underlying Victoria’s success has been a willingnes­s to ‘‘push the boundaries’’ and explore organ donation with patients other states wouldn’t consider.

‘‘Victoria has always been open to exploring cases that maybe if you look at quickly you think they’re not a potential donor,’’ she says.

‘‘In Victoria, we systematic­ally work through organ by organ. For example, if someone’s got respirator­y disease or heart disease we still look at whether they can donate their kidneys.’’

For the past three years, Dwyer has travelled to New Zealand to help run a two-day workshop aimed at increasing health profession­als’ understand­ing and skill in having conversati­ons with potential donor families.

Driving the need to innovate and be bold is the fact Australia, like New Zealand, continues to have a shortfall in transplant­able organs.

The need for transplant­s is expected to increase around the world.

In 2017, the Australian Government launched a new online register, allowing people to sign up as donors. The form takes about a minute to complete.

Research indicates being a registered donor, together with letting family members know about one’s donation decision, is associated with higher family consent rates.

A 2016 Australian audit found 88 per cent of families agree to organ donation when their loved ones is a registered donor. The rate drops to 52 per cent when patients aren’t registered or share their donation wishes.

New Zealand’s organ donation national strategy discusses improving how people’s donor wishes are recorded, but doesn’t commit to any specifics.

Currently, in New Zealand, donor wishes are recorded on a person’s driver’s licence.

Results of the past three years show New Zealand has a solid foundation to grow its donor numbers. But with renewed focus on lifting donation rates, Judson, from Organ Donation New Zealand, says care should be given to ensuring the process is always respectful to the donor and their family.

‘‘Every deceased organ donation comes out of human tragedy and that can’t be ignored.

‘‘It’s never a simple case of here’s a dead person, their organs are no good to them, so they should be used. It’s a very emotional time.’’

For Trewavas, apprehensi­on about his upcoming transplant operation is balanced by the anticipati­on of living life with a healthy kidney.

Waking up feeling good, having energy at the end of the day, and simple past-times, such as walking and swimming, are all things Trewavas has his mind set on.

Among his busy schedule there might also be time for a round of golf.

‘‘I’ll be careful not to rush my recovery but, once I’m back to normal, I plan to get back out on the greens.

‘‘Indication­s are that once they drop a new kidney in, I’ll feel like a new person.’’

 ?? PHOTO: MARK TAYLOR/STUFF ?? Australia’s Organ and Tissue Authority national training co-ordinator Bernie Dwyer runs workshops for health profession­als in New Zealand each year.
PHOTO: MARK TAYLOR/STUFF Australia’s Organ and Tissue Authority national training co-ordinator Bernie Dwyer runs workshops for health profession­als in New Zealand each year.
 ??  ??
 ?? PHOTO: ROBERT STEVEN/STUFF ?? Taupo¯ Mayor David Trewavas has been inundated with support after going public about his need for a new kidney.
PHOTO: ROBERT STEVEN/STUFF Taupo¯ Mayor David Trewavas has been inundated with support after going public about his need for a new kidney.
 ?? PHOTO: MARK TAYLOR/STUFF ?? Organ Donation New Zealand medical specialist Dr James Judson says deceased organ donation comes out of human tragedy.
PHOTO: MARK TAYLOR/STUFF Organ Donation New Zealand medical specialist Dr James Judson says deceased organ donation comes out of human tragedy.

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