The Press

Teen boys drown in flash flood in Waitakere ranges


The two people who died after being swept away in a flash flood were both teenage boys, police have revealed.

Mitch Woolley and Sosi Turagaiviu, both 17, were swept away while trying to cross a swollen river in West Auckland’s Waitakere Ranges about 5pm on Saturday. Their bodies were recovered later that evening.

They were both West Auckland locals – Sosi from Massey, Mitch from Waitakere – and had been swimming at the Cascade Falls area with three other 17-year-old boys when heavy rains hit, police inspector Fata Willie Fanene said yesterday.

The group sheltered on rocks on one side of the river, but the water continued to rise, Fanene said.

They tried to cross to the other side, where their vehicle was parked, but Mitch, Sosi and another young man were swept away.

The remaining two got safely to the river bank, and one ran to raise the alarm.

‘‘He had mild hypothermi­a and was transporte­d to Waitakere Hospital for treatment,’’ Fanene said.

The third young man managed to grab a tree on the side of the river and was winched to safety by the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter. He was in a moderate condition.

Fanene said police were supporting Mitch and Sosi’s families.

‘‘We are also making sure the three other young men who were caught up in this event are looked after, as this has been a very traumatic experience for them and their families. An incident like this is an awful reminder of the power and unpredicta­bility of our natural environmen­t.’’

The deaths had been referred to the coroner.

The flash flooding also caused about 100 people to be evacuated from their homes in nearby Piha.

Cars were under water, and mud and debris coated the walls of houses up to waist height.

Auckland event director Colin Ennor, his partner, Sergio Lopez, and two of their friends were caught in the flash flood and were counting themselves lucky to be unharmed.

‘‘The river looked like the Huka Falls – just crazy white water rapids and I think if anyone had walked in, they could not have survived,’’ Ennor said late on Saturday night.

 ?? PHOTO: PETER MEECHAM/STUFF ?? This creek at Piha on the West Auckland coast rose rapidly, also causing about 100 people to be temporaril­y evacuated from their properties at the weekend.
PHOTO: PETER MEECHAM/STUFF This creek at Piha on the West Auckland coast rose rapidly, also causing about 100 people to be temporaril­y evacuated from their properties at the weekend.

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