The Press

NZ adds $1.5m to help Syria


New Zealand will give a further

$1.5 million in humanitari­an aid to war-torn Syria.

Foreign Minister Winston Peters announced the further assistance yesterday, as the region of Eastern Ghouta is hammered by what’s been described as ‘‘a relentless indiscrimi­nate campaign’’.

This latest contributi­on brings New Zealand’s total humanitari­an funding for the Syrian crisis to

$23.5m since 2011.

The funding would be delivered via the Internatio­nal Committee of the Red Cross, which would help provide food supplies, access to water and sanitation, and medical support to hospitals and health centres in Syria.

‘‘The situation for civilians in Syria remains dire, with more than 13 million people requiring humanitari­an assistance to meet their basic needs,’’ Peters said.

‘‘The public infrastruc­ture in Syria has been devastated. More than half the medical clinics and one in three schools have been destroyed. Access to safe drinking water is limited for much of the population.’’

Yesterday marked the third day in a row of bombings in Eastern Ghouta.

United Nations reports showed there had been at least 346 civilian deaths and 878 injuries, mostly from air strikes on residentia­l areas, since the Syrian Government and its allies escalated an offensive against the rebel-held enclave at the start of the month.

Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizati­ons described the three-day bombing campaign as ‘‘relentless’’ and ‘‘indiscrimi­nate’’.

It said a total of 13 hospitals and humanitari­an facilities were also targeted, killing a nurse and leaving thousands in a catastroph­ic situation.

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