The Press

PM needs new spin doctor


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is looking for a new chief press secretary after just five months in office.

Her current chief press secretary, Mike Jaspers, is moving sideways into a more backroom role as a chief strategic advisor.

There has been chatter about the move in recent days but nothing was confirmed until an online job advert appeared yesterday morning.

It’s understood Jaspers himself asked for the move and was not keen to commit to three years in the chief press secretary role, which can often involve very erratic hours.

Jaspers was hired in late 2016 under former Labour leader Andrew Little. The former TVNZ journalist had extensive experience working for NZ Rugby and former finance minister Michael Cullen.

The Prime Minister’s Office employs four press secretarie­s: Jaspers, Joy Gribben, Leah Haines, and Julie Jacobsen. The team is already down one after Sarah Austen-Smith left in recent weeks.

Jaspers will work until the replacemen­t is found – likely some point in May.

‘‘Your focus will be on delivering consistent messaging of the Government’s immediate priorities while concentrat­ing on its longer-term objectives and the provision of strategic media advice,’’ the job advert reads.

‘‘These skills will be put to the test in a fast-paced environmen­t engaging with the Press Gallery and wider media circles, while also ensuring that ministers remain aware and on message with the work programme of Government.’’

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