The Press

Rangnarok Blu Ray’s best ‘extras’


Physical media may have fallen out of favour with many, but Kiwi director Taika Waititi has offered up a load of special features for the hotly anticipate­d release of Thor: Ragnarok on Blu Ray.

The extras also bear the former New Zealander of the Year’s trademark cheek and chutzpah, as they run the gamut of everything from a director’s commentary to deleted scenes and featurette­s on the making of the film.

Stuff had the opportunit­y to look through all the additional content and here are our five favourites from the Blu Ray disc, which was released on March 6:

Taika’s Intro

Waititi sets the tone with a hilarious short introducti­on to the movie in which he introduces himself and gives the reasons why he wanted to make the movie: ‘‘I just wanted to impress Mum and Dad’’ and ‘‘For kudos and the folks on Twitter’’.

He also reveals the ‘‘inspiratio­ns’’ for Ragnarok, everything from Peter Pan, Terminator 2 and Independen­ce Day ,to On Golden Pond, Beaches and My Fair Lady.

Team Darryl

One of the favourite pieces of prerelease­d promotion is back, with ordinary Aussie Darryl getting a new flatmate to replace Thor.

This time around it’s Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaste­r, which offers the popular actor the opportunit­y to really let his character (and toast obsession) run wild.

Finding Korg

Taika Waititi plays ‘‘Taika Waititi’’ in this featurette about the director and his scene-stealing stone creation Korg. While he explains that ‘‘what the world needs now is Korg’’, his more highprofil­e Hollywood co-stars riff on what makes the Kiwi helmer so special.

Extended scenes

Of the range of extra footage left on the cutting-room floor, two pieces stand-out – more minutes with Goldblum’s Grandmaste­r meeting Chris Hemsworth’s Thor and a bit more banter between the former and his henchwoman Topaz (played by Kiwi actress Rachel House). Cousin Carlo’s death scene is so much funnier as he attempts to explain that his crime wasn’t, as the Grandmaste­r hears it, ‘‘camping with a camel’’.

8-bit battles

No doubt inspired by website JoBlo’s 8-bit trailer for the movie, the Blu Ray claims Waititi and co. used 8-bit sequences to storyboard two of Ragnarok’s most-epic battles. The results are gloriously garish and beautifull­y awfully rendered.

 ??  ?? Thor: Ragnarok’s Blu Ray release includes especially created content.
Thor: Ragnarok’s Blu Ray release includes especially created content.

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