The Press

M bovis ‘low risk’ to humans


The possibilit­y of humans contractin­g Mycoplasma bovis from eating meat or drinking milk from infected cattle has been dismissed by officials and food safety experts as a ‘‘low risk’’.

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) said the disease was not a food safety risk. Concerns have again been raised over the culling of 152,000 cattle and whether their meat or milk might threaten human health.

‘‘There is no issue with eating beef or drinking milk from infected herds. This disease is in every other farming nation and people have been consuming products from cattle with Mycoplasma bovis for decades,’’ MPI said.

It added that M bovis did not survive pasteurisa­tion, and since most New Zealand milk is pasteurise­d, it would exist only in raw milk.

New Zealanders may in fact already have eaten meat from cattle that has been infected by Mycoplasma, because the disease occurs in Australia, which exports beef across the Tasman.

Last year about 2.4 million

The authors found there had been only two instances of people being infected with M bovis. Animal mycoplasma­s (not just M bovis) had been found in humans whose immune systems were more often, though not always, compromise­d.

‘‘While it is true that such patients are susceptibl­e to a wide range of microbial infections, it is well establishe­d that patients with hypogammag­lobulinaem­ia or who are receiving immunosupp­ressive drugs have a particular susceptibi­lity to mycoplasma infections.’’

They noted the 1979 case of an American woman where M bovis was isolated in her throat. She was already suffering from bronchopne­umonia and central nervous system abnormalit­ies.

Her only contact with cattle was that she had been exposed to cow manure during gardening three weeks before developing the symptoms. The disease subsided following tetracycli­ne (an antibiotic) therapy.

In the other case of M bovis infection, the Ministry of Health noted there were ‘‘scant’’ details and again the person had responded to tetracycli­ne treatment.

Professor Nigel French, director of the New Zealand Food Safety Science & Research Centre at Massey University, said other diseases such as campylobac­ter and salmonella were of much more concern.

‘‘I think people with deficient immune systems can be prone to infections that people with effective immune systems may not be.

‘‘There’s so little evidence that Mycoplasma bovis would be important as a source of human infection, particular­ly through the food chain.

‘‘It’s one of those examples of something that is so unlikely to happen, that I don’t think there’s cause for concern.’’

 ?? JOHN HAWKINS/ STUFF ?? A dairy farm in Southland understood to be under a Restricted Place Biosecurit­y Notice, due to Mycoplasma bovis testing results.
JOHN HAWKINS/ STUFF A dairy farm in Southland understood to be under a Restricted Place Biosecurit­y Notice, due to Mycoplasma bovis testing results.
 ??  ?? Professor Nigel French is the director of NZ Food Safety Science & Research Centre and a professor of food safety and veterinary public health at Massey.
Professor Nigel French is the director of NZ Food Safety Science & Research Centre and a professor of food safety and veterinary public health at Massey.
 ??  ??

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