The Press

Senate should take care


Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court comes at a tense moment. More than ever, the court is in danger of becoming viewed as an instrument of politics rather than an independen­t, nonpartisa­n branch of government.

That is why senators must be even more exacting than usual when they evaluate Mr Kavanaugh. They should insist on a justice who would rule with genuine independen­ce of mind – and a willingnes­s to resist abuses of power by this and future presidents. ‘‘I believe an independen­t judiciary is the crown jewel of our constituti­onal republic,’’ Mr Kavanaugh said after his introducti­on. He must show he means it.

Mr Kavanaugh has trended conservati­ve on issues such as abortion, indicating a narrow view of what constitute­s an undue burden on a woman’s right to end her pregnancy. He has frequently voted against the Environmen­tal Protection Agency, arguing that programmes to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions and cross-border air pollution went further than the law allowed.

Most importantl­y, senators must extract an ironclad commitment that Mr Kavanaugh will act as a check on the president. That’s a role he has not seemed comfortabl­e playing in cases involving enemy combatants, or in a law review article suggesting the president should not be subject to civil or criminal court proceeding­s while in office.

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