The Press

Boucher to hang up singlet


It is the end of an era in New Zealand basketball, with Dillon Boucher announcing this season will be his last in the Kiwi NBL, bringing the curtain down on one of the most decorated careers in New Zealand sport.

Boucher, 42, has decided to make his 25th year in the New Zealand league his last after debuting as a 17-year-old in 1994 for the Auckland Stars. He went on to also turn out for Harbour Heat, Waikato Titans, Auckland Pirates, Wellington Saints and the Super City Rangers, collecting nine NBL championsh­ips along the way.

Add to that four Australian NBL titles (with the Breakers) and a decorated seven-year career in the Tall Blacks singlet, including that history-making fourth place at the 2002 world championsh­ip, and it is a sporting career that has few peers on the Kiwi scene.

It will all come to an end at the end of this NBL campaign, with the Super City Rangers out of playoff contention. Boucher has four games remaining, starting with a home farewell for the Rangers on Sunday against the Nelson Giants at Waitakere Trusts Stadium.

It is a decision that has been long in the making for Boucher, who mixes his day job of general manager of the Breakers with his playing role in the NBL.

‘‘This has been something I have talked about for a long time,’’ Boucher said. ‘‘I have played the game because I love playing and have wanted to continue while my body allowed me to. But my body is telling me it is time . . . in terms of speed on the court and wanting to contribute more than the body is now allowing me to do.

‘‘My primary job is the success of the Breakers, and the playing side had to become secondary several years ago. Not putting those hours in the gym has not kept my game where I want it to be.’’

Boucher shied away from singling out one team or one season as a highlight. ‘‘I have played with some amazing players and teams and been coached by some great coaches. I have enjoyed the latter part of my career to share my knowledge with younger players.’’

‘‘This has been something I have talked about for a long time.’’

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