The Press

Greece boots out Russian diplomats for meddling in name deal


Greece has moved to expel two Russian diplomats accused of supplying funds to protest groups opposing a deal that would end Greece’s longstandi­ng name dispute with neighbouri­ng Macedonia, a Greek official said yesterday.

The expulsions were confirmed the day after Nato formally invited Macedonia to join the western military alliance pending the agreement’s successful completion. Moscow opposes any expansion of Nato, particular­ly if it involves nations Russia sees as within its natural sphere of influence.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told Greek reporters in Brussels after a Nato summit ended yesterday that he was obliged ‘‘to defend the national sovereignt­y’’ of Greece, but did not refer to Russia or the expulsions directly.

‘‘We seek good relations with most countries – not only the ones in our neighbourh­ood,’’ Tsipras said. ‘‘But we do demand that all countries respect our internatio­nal legitimacy and national sovereignt­y.’’

Russian authoritie­s have been given until today to get the two diplomats out of Greece, the Greek official said.

He asked not to be identified, citing the sensitivit­y of the issue.

The government was compelled to act after receiving evidence of ‘‘specific actions,’’ the official said.

Greece also blocked other Russian officials from entering the country, he said.

It was not clear if the Russian diplomats have departed or are preparing to leave the country.

The agreement to end the name dispute foresees Macedonia renamed as North Macedonia in exchange for Greece dropping objections to its northern neighbour joining Nato and the European Union.

A Russian diplomat dismissed as ‘‘nonsense’’ allegation­s that Russian diplomats were involved in underminin­g Greek public support for the Macedonia deal. –AP

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