The Press

Minister bikes to hospital to give birth


Green Party MP Julie Anne Genter has biked to hospital to have her first baby.

The 38-year-old – who is minister for women and associate minister of both health and transport – posted a series of snaps to Instagram yesterday.

Genter said she and her partner, Peter Nunns, cycled to Auckland City Hospital because ‘‘there wasn’t enough room in the car for the support crew . . . but it also put me in the best possible mood’’.

Genter, who is 42 weeks pregnant, previously said she was planning a natural birth at home using a rented pool.

This is Genter’s third pregnancy – she lost the first two to miscarriag­es. ‘‘So this has been a surprise – but really welcome and exciting,’’ she said in February.

She plans to take about three months off from parliament­ary duties but just six weeks off from her ministeria­l roles.

After that, Nunns will take on fulltime caregiving. Green Party co-leader James Shaw will take over as acting associate transport minister and acting associate health minister while Genter is on maternity leave.

Shaw will take on these portfolios on top of his roles as climate change minister, statistics minister, and associate finance minister.

Meanwhile, Eugenie Sage will take on the role of acting minister for women.

At the Green Party conference yesterday, Shaw said it was ‘‘very on-brand’’ for Genter to cycle to hospital for the birth.

‘‘We’re just delighted that a second ministeria­l baby is on the way, very proud to be part of a party that supports that, and very proud to live in a country where two members of the country’s executive are able to have children as part of their job,’’ he said.

‘‘It’s fantastic news.’’

 ??  ?? An Instagram photo of Julie Anne Genter yesterday.
An Instagram photo of Julie Anne Genter yesterday.

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