The Press

Tories launch project ‘no fear’


Britain will recognise some EU regulation in the event of a ‘‘no-deal’’ Brexit to ensure that the country does not grind to a halt, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.

Government papers setting out what will happen if the UK leaves without a deal make clear that Britain will adopt a ‘‘flexible’’ approach to ensure EU medicines, car parts and chemicals are still available in the UK.

One industry source, who has seen several of the papers which are due to be published on Thursday, said the ‘‘permissive’’ nature of the plans suggest they are ‘‘project ‘no fear’’’.

Concerns have been raised that the M20motorwa­y will be turned into a giant lorry park because of huge disruption to cross-channel trade caused by the EU in the event of a ‘‘no-deal’’.

However, away from customs, the papers offer a constructi­ve way for Britain to continue trading with the EU after a no-deal Brexit. On medicines which are made in the EU, the papers say that the ‘‘UK regulator would take steps to keep market access for importers open disruption’’.

The approach will, however, leave the UK open to claims that it is giving up some negotiatin­g strength by agreeing to accept EU goods without ensuring British goods will be accepted on the continent.

One source said that Britain ‘‘essentiall­y gives up a negotiatin­g card by saying to Brussels ‘here, have my market access’, but gets nothing back in return’’.

EU exit talks restart between Dominic Raab, the Brexit Secretary, and Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator. in Brussels tomorrow. Raab will give a speech two days later on Thursday, setting out the Government’s plans for a no-deal.

The Brexit Secretary said yesterday: ‘‘It is the responsibi­lity of the EU to ensure its consumers and businesses are not harmed.

‘‘The UK Government believes this is best achieved by both sides taking a non-disruptive approach and will be encouragin­g cooperatio­n with the EU on no deal planning. Securing a deal is still by far the most likely outcome, but we want to make sure that we clearly set out the steps that to avoid people, businesses and public services need to take in the unlikely event that we don’t reach an agreement.

‘‘It’s the responsibl­e thing for any government to do, to mitigate the risks and make sure the UK is ready to make a success of Brexit.’’

Each of the 84 papers follows the same format, opening with remarks saying that a ‘‘no-deal’’ Brexit is unlikely, but that ‘‘we are a responsibl­e government and we should be prepared’’.

The papers – which will be published in batches – then set out ‘‘how it works now’’ and ‘‘how it works in a no-deal scenario’’, with scenarios to allow companies to prepare.

Government officials described the papers as ‘‘sensible, proportion­ate, and part of a common sense approach to ensure stability whatever the outcome of talks’’.

A source said: ‘‘The truth is in some sectors there won’t be much change, it is a mixture.

‘‘It is not a case of ’worse for us and better for them’.’’

Raab will outline in his speech how the Government will mitigate the potential risks of leaving the EU without a deal. – Telegraph Group

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