The Press

Wuerl to meet pope about resignatio­n


Washington’s archbishop, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, who has faced mounting calls for his resignatio­n over his handling of sexual abuse cases, wrote yesterday that he will soon discuss with Pope Francis the possibilit­y that he steps down from leading Washington’s Catholic Church.

Wuerl did not say in his letter to priests whether he will ask Francis to accept his resignatio­n, which he submitted three years ago at the customary retirement age of 75. But he acknowledg­ed that many among the faithful have questions about their bishop’s ability to lead them to healing because of the huge sexual-abuse crisis in the church, and said he would be discussing his resignatio­n with the pope.

‘‘At issue is how to begin effectivel­y to bring a new level of healing to survivors who have personally suffered so much and to the faithful entrusted to our care who have also been wounded by the shame of these terrible actions and have questions about their bishop’s ability to provide the necessary leadership,’’ Wuerl wrote to the priests of the Archdioces­e of Washington.

Wuerl has already visited the Vatican since the release of a grand jury report in Pennsylvan­ia, which revealed allegation­s of abuse by more than 300 priests across the state, called into question Wuerl’s own conduct as a supervisor of priests when he was bishop of Pittsburgh for 18 years, before coming to lead Washington’s prominent archdioces­e in 2006.

When Wuerl spoke with Francis at the end of August, the pope told him to consult his priests about what he should do – and Wuerl did so at an annual Labour Day picnic for clergy, which he referred to in his letter yesterday.

‘‘It was clear that some decision, sooner rather than later, on my part is an essential aspect so that this archdioces­an church we all love can move forward,’’ he wrote. ‘‘As fruit of our discernmen­t I intend, in the very near future, to go to Rome to meet with our Holy Father about the resignatio­n I presented nearly three years ago, November 12, 2015.’’

Wuerl can ask to step down, but only the pope can accept the resignatio­n of an archbishop. It is up to Francis whether Wuerl continues in his job or retires. Wuerl’s letter, however, seemed to indicate he believes his retirement is likely; he closed by anticipati­ng ‘‘a new beginning’’ for the church he serves.

Many in the archdioces­e have asked Wuerl to step down in recent weeks, including more than 40 Catholic school teachers who protested outside their back-to-school Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine, and a highly visible deacon at St Matthew’s Cathedral, who said he would refuse to participat­e in the Mass with the cardinal. – Washington Post

‘‘At issue is how to begin effectivel­y to bring a new level of healing to survivors who have personally suffered so much.’’

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Cardinal Donald Wuerl has written a letter to priests in his archdioces­e about questions many have regarding his leadership.
GETTY IMAGES Cardinal Donald Wuerl has written a letter to priests in his archdioces­e about questions many have regarding his leadership.

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