The Press

Potting mix


As we know, nicotine kills. But it will take an average of 40 years to put its nails in a coffin. That’s a lot of puffing.

On the other hand, a couple of puffs of potting mix can kill you in a week - more than a thousand times faster.

Take a packet of cigarettes: 50 per cent of the packaging comes with severe warnings of the dangers within.

Then, just in case you have missed the point, there are graphic photos of rotting gums and gangrenous toes to further underline what cigarettes might have in store for you.

If nicotine is a pussycat compared to Legionnair­es’ disease, it makes the warnings on potting and compost products inadequate and therefore screaming for change.

All potting and compost products go through a checkout.

So why not make it a policy at least to verbally remind purchasers who may have become complacent about the care needed when dealing with such a product.

Gary Day, Papanui

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