The Press

Trump wall plan ‘non-starter’


In a bid to break the shutdown impasse and fund his longpromis­ed border wall, President Donald Trump yesterrday offered to extend temporary protection for young people brought to the US illegally as children. But while Trump cast the move as a ‘‘common-sense compromise,’’ Democrats were quick to dismiss it at a ‘‘non-starter.’’

Trump declared from the White House that ‘‘both sides in Washington must simply come together,’’ adding that he was there ‘‘to break the logjam and provide Congress with a path forward to end the government shutdown and solve the crisis on the southern border.’’

Hoping to put pressure on Democrats, the White House billed the announceme­nt as a major step forward. But Trump did not budge on his $5.7 billion (NZ$8.4b) demand for the wall and, in essence, offered to temporaril­y roll-back some of his own hawkish immigratio­n actions – actions that have been blocked by federal courts.

Following a week marked by his pointed clashes with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, it was not clear if Trump’s offer would lead to serious steps to reopen the government, shut for a record 29 days. Trump’s move came as hundreds of thousands of federal workers go without paychecks, with many enduring financial hardship. Many public services are unavailabl­e to Americans during the closure.

Democrats dismissed Trump’s proposal even before his formal remarks. Pelosi said earlier in the day that the expected proposal was ‘‘a compilatio­n of several previously rejected initiative­s, each of which is unacceptab­le.’’ The California Democrat said the effort could not pass the House and again called on Trump to reopen the government.

Democrats made their own move on Saturday to break the impasse when they pledged to provide hundreds of millions of dollars more for border security.

Seeking to cast the plan as a bipartisan way forward, Trump said Saturday he was incorporat­ing ideas from ‘‘rankand-file’’ Democrats, as top Democrats made clear they had not been consulted. He also said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would bring the legislatio­n to a vote this week, though Democrats appeared likely to block it. McConnell had previously stated that no vote should be held in the Senate until Trump and Democrats agreed on a bill.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer described the proposal as simply ‘‘more hostage taking.’’

Trump’s remarks from the Diplomatic Room marked the second time he has addressed the nation as the partial shutdown drags on. On this occasion, he sought to strike a diplomatic tone, emphasizin­g trust and the need to work across the aisle. But he still maintained that a border barrier was needed to block what he describes as the flow of drugs and crime into the country, though he described it as a ‘‘steel barriers in high-priority locations.’’

The proposal was met with immediate criticism by some conservati­ve corners, including NumbersUSA, which seeks to reduce both legal and illegal immigratio­n to the US. ‘‘The offer the president announced today is a loser for the forgotten American workers who were central to his campaign promises,’’ said Roy Beck, the group’s president.

At the other end of the political spectrum, Trump’s offer was panned by progressiv­e groups, with Anthony Romero, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, calling it a ‘‘one-sided proposal.’’

Trump embraced the shutdown in December in large part because of angry warnings from his most ardent supporters that he was passing up on his last, best shot to build the wall before Democrat took control of the House in the new year. –AP

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 ?? AP ?? President Donald Trump leaves the podium after speaking about the partial government shutdown, immigratio­n and border security in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House.
AP President Donald Trump leaves the podium after speaking about the partial government shutdown, immigratio­n and border security in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House.

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