The Press

Search delivers different fruit fly

- Danielle Clent

A new type of fruit fly, different to the one found in Devonport last week, has been found in a surveillan­ce trap in South Auckland.

Biosecurit­y NZ said the facialis fruit fly was found in O¯ tara. ‘‘This fly is a different species to the Queensland fruit fly and the detection is not related to the current Devonport situation.

‘‘No further facialis fruit flies have been found and at this stage there is no indication there is an incursion of facialis here.’’

Ministry for Primary Industries director general Ray Smith said the facialis fly was native to Tonga. It ‘‘badly affects’’ crops of capsicum and chili, but appeared to be less harmful to other fruit and vegetables.

Smith said it was a tropical species and New Zealand may not provide the ideal home for it.

‘‘As with the fruit fly in Devonport, we need to determine if it’s a lone specimen or if there’s a population of these flies in the area,’’ Smith said.

‘‘To do this, we’re setting more traps in the area around the find. And while we look for more flies, we have restricted the movement of fruit and vegetables to stop the spread of any other facialis fruit flies that may be out there.’’

Biosecurit­y NZ had declared a ‘‘controlled area’’ in the 200 metres from where it was trapped. Restrictio­ns were the same as those in place for Devonport, where whole fresh fruit and vegetables could not be moved out of the zone. If no further fruit flies were found, the probe would last two weeks, Smith said.

Biosecurit­y Minister Damien O’Connor said: ‘‘We’ve been here several times before and each time we’ve successful­ly got rid of this horticultu­ral pest.’’

O’Connor said the two fruit flies were not an incursion, as seen in 2014 when a fruit fly was found twice in Wha¯ nga¯ rei.

‘‘But we can’t be too careful and as the response ramps up, I urge the local community to be vigilant.



 ??  ?? A Queensland fruit fly was foundin Devonport.
A Queensland fruit fly was foundin Devonport.
 ??  ?? A facialis fruit fly has been found in South Auckland.
A facialis fruit fly has been found in South Auckland.

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