The Press

Oval will inevitably become a major sports facility


Regarding Hagley Oval plans, it is reported (Aug 30) that the city council strongly opposes the use of the term ‘‘major sports facility’’ to describe plans for use of the oval, in that such descriptio­n ‘‘would risk future developmen­t of a scale that is completely contrary to the village green and community park character of Hagley Park’’. While agreeing with the sentiment, I’m at a loss to understand the council’s stance in that the proposed installati­on of six 50 metre high lighting towers will completely destroy the village green and community park character of Hagley.

At the same time, this internatio­nal venue by its very nature and extent of use, will in fact become a major sports facility.

Neiel Drain, Burnside

Hagley Oval cricket hub

The council, of course, is ambivalent about the latest proposals for floodlight­ing the test cricket hub in Hagley Park (Press, Aug 30). The proposal is the next obvious step in the mission creep process, concern about which was raised at the time of the earlier judgment.

The council’s chickens are coming home to roost, and they will continue to do so as the mission creeps even further over time. They should get off the fence and not try to be all things to all people. Especially, should they not be seen to be feather-bedding a profession­al sports organisati­on at a cost in social currency by hindering public access to public grounds.

There is still ground available for cricket at other venues.

For example, there is time enough to get the act together in the eastern corridor, at present redzoned.

We now see a proposal to trip the light fantastic.

What next, permanent seating in an undercover stadium?

John D Mahony, Mt Pleasant

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