The Press

Icon, despot Mugabe dies at 95


Robert Mugabe, the former leader of Zimbabwe forced to resign in

2017 after a 37-year rule whose early promise was eroded by economic turmoil, disputed elections and human rights violations, has died. He was 95.

His successor President Emmerson Mnangagwa confirmed Mugabe’s death in a tweet yesterday, mourning him as an ‘‘icon of liberation’’. He did not provide details.

Mugabe, who took power after white minority rule ended in

1980, blamed Zimbabwe’s economic problems on internatio­nal sanctions and once said he wanted to rule for life. But growing discontent about the southern African country’s fractured leadership and other problems prompted a military interventi­on, impeachmen­t proceeding­s by the parliament and large street demonstrat­ions for his removal.

The announceme­nt of Mugabe’s November 21, 2017 resignatio­n after he initially ignored escalating calls to quit triggered wild celebratio­ns in the streets of the capital, Harare. Well into the night, cars honked and people danced and sang in a spectacle of free expression that would have been impossible during his years in power and reflected hopes for a better future.

On February 21, 2018, Mugabe marked his first birthday since his resignatio­n in near solitude, far from the lavish affair of past years. While the government that removed him with military assistance had declared his birthday as a national holiday, his successor and former deputy Mnangagwa did not mention him in a televised speech on the day.

Mugabe’s decline in his last years as president was partly linked to the political ambitions of his wife, Grace, a brash, divisive figure whose ruling party faction eventually lost out in a power struggle with supporters of Mnangagwa, who was close to the military.

Despite Zimbabwe’s decline during his rule, Mugabe remained defiant, railing against the West for what he called its neo-colonialis­t attitude and urging Africans to take control of their resources, a populist message that was often a hit even as many nations on the continent shed the strongman model and moved toward democracy.

Mugabe enjoyed acceptance among peers in Africa who chose not to judge him in the same way as Britain, the United States and other Western detractors. Toward the end of his rule, he served as rotating chairman of the 54-nation African Union and the 15-nation Southern African Developmen­t Community; his criticism of the Internatio­nal Criminal Court was welcomed by regional leaders who also thought it was being unfairly used to target Africans.

‘‘They are the ones who say they gave Christiani­ty to Africa,’’ Mugabe said of the West during a visit to South Africa. ‘‘We say: ‘We came, we saw and we were conquered.’’’

Spry in his impeccably tailored suits, Mugabe as leader maintained a schedule of events and internatio­nal travel that defied his advancing age, though signs of weariness mounted toward the end. He fell after stepping off a plane in Zimbabwe, read the wrong speech at the opening of parliament and appeared to be dozing during a news conference in Japan. However, his longevity and frequently dashed rumours of ill health delighted supporters and infuriated opponents who had sardonical­ly predicted he would live forever.

‘‘Do you want me to punch you to the floor to realise I am still there?’’ Mugabe told an interviewe­r

‘‘I have many degrees in violence. You see this fist, it can smash your face.’’ Robert Mugabe

from state television who asked him in early 2016 about retirement plans.

After independen­ce, Mugabe reached out to whites after a long war between black guerrillas and the white rulers of Rhodesia, as Zimbabwe was known. He stressed education and built new schools. Tourism and mining flourished and Zimbabwe was a regional breadbaske­t.

However, a brutal military campaign waged against an uprising in western Matabelela­nd province that ended in 1987 augured a bitter turn in Zimbabwe’s fortunes. As the years went by, Mugabe was widely accused of hanging onto power through violence and vote fraud, notably in a 2008 election that led to a troubled coalition government after regional mediators intervened.

‘‘I have many degrees in violence,’’ Mugabe once boasted on a campaign trail, raising his fist. ‘‘You see this fist, it can smash your face.’’

Mugabe was re-elected in 2013 in another election marred by alleged irregulari­ties, though he dismissed his critics as sore losers.

Amid the political turmoil, the economy of Zimbabwe, traditiona­lly rich in agricultur­e and minerals, was deteriorat­ing. Factories were closing, unemployme­nt was rising and the country abandoned its currency for the US dollar in 2009 because of hyperinfla­tion.

The economic problems are often traced to the violent seizures of thousands of whiteowned farms that began around

2000. Land reform was supposed to take much of the country’s most fertile land – owned by about 4500 white descendant­s of mainly British and South African colonial-era settlers – and redistribu­te it to poor blacks. Instead, Mugabe gave prime farms to ruling party leaders, party loyalists, security chiefs, relatives and cronies.

Mugabe was born in Zvimba,

60km west of the capital of Harare.

As a child, he tended his grandfathe­r’s cattle and goats, fished for bream in muddy water holes, played football and ‘‘boxed a lot,’’ as he recalled later.

Mugabe lacked the easy charisma of Nelson Mandela, the antiaparth­eid leader and contempora­ry who became South Africa’s first black president in 1994 after reconcilin­g with its former white rulers. But he drew admirers in some quarters for taking a hard line with the West, and he could be disarming despite his sometimes harsh demeanour.

‘‘The gift of politician­s is never to stop speaking until the people say, ‘Ah, we are tired,’’’ he said at a 2015 news conference. ‘‘You are now tired. I say thank you.’’

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Robert Mugabe pictured in Salisbury in 1980 after winning an internatio­nally supervised general election.
GETTY IMAGES Robert Mugabe pictured in Salisbury in 1980 after winning an internatio­nally supervised general election.

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