The Press

Chocolate muesli breakfast biscuits


These plump, moist, nourishing biscuits with a sneaky base of dark chocolate are just the thing to grab as you dash out the door in the morning and are ideal for eating on your commute. I’ve used sour cherries, cranberrie­s and dates, but feel free use any combinatio­n of dried fruit that takes your fancy.

220g unsalted butter, melted 1⁄2 cup liquid honey

1 ripe banana, well mashed

3 eggs, beaten

1 cup coconut flakes 3⁄4 cup pumpkin seeds 1⁄2 cup sesame seeds 1⁄2 cup sunflower seeds 1⁄4 cup flax seeds (linseed)

11⁄2 cups wholegrain rolled oats 2⁄3 cup wholemeal flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp ground cinnamon Pinch of salt 3⁄4 cup natural ground almonds 1⁄2 cup dried cranberrie­s 1⁄2 cup dried sour cherries 1⁄2 cup chopped dates

150g dark chocolate, melted

Heat oven to 165C fan bake. In a large bowl, mix butter, honey and mashed banana, stirring to combine well. Add beaten eggs and mix well.

In a separate bowl, combine coconut flakes and seeds. Reserve 2⁄3 cup of the mixture to use as your topping.

To the remainder, add all the remaining ingredient­s except the chocolate and stir to make quite a wet mixture. Scoop 1⁄4 cup-sized amounts into balls and press the tops into the reserved coconut and seed mixture.

Place biscuits on lined trays and bake for around 12-15 minutes or until golden around the edges. Transfer to a rack to cool. Then, using a pastry brush, cover the flat bases with a thin coating of melted chocolate. Place chocolate-side-up on a rack to set.

Store in an airtight container.

Makes about 25

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