The Press

RNZ/TVNZ merger ‘hypocritic­al’

- Tom Pullar-Strecker

The idea of merging RNZ and TVNZ into a new public media entity has been snubbed by the National Party.

Its broadcasti­ng spokeswoma­n, Melissa Lee, said it would be concerned by the impact on media plurality.

RNZ reported on Thursday that the Cabinet would soon consider a plan to merge the broadcaste­rs into a single organisati­on that would receive funding from both the Government and advertiser­s.

Broadcasti­ng Minister Kris Faafoi has not denied he is considerin­g such a proposal but described the apparent leak as ‘‘unhelpful’’.

Lee indicated it was an idea that was unlikely to get cross-party support. ‘‘We would not be for a big, massive media entity that would be created as a result of merging TVNZ and RNZ, because that would dwarf any other media organisati­on.’’

That would be a threat to ‘‘diversity of voice’’, Lee said.

It could also be seen as hypocritic­al, given the Commerce Commission had not given the green light for private media businesses NZME and Stuff to merge. That might send the message ‘‘no you cannot merge but we can’’, she said. ‘‘If we decide to prop up one entity, making it more like a monopoly, other media might not be able to compete.’’

It was not yet clear whether television channel Three owner MediaWorks, which is seeking to exit television, is of the same view.

Chief executive Michael Anderson has said MediaWorks is ‘‘reserving judgment on any government policies until there is something concrete to judge’’.

Lee said there had been a lack of transparen­cy from the Government, saying a ministeria­l advisory group set up to advise it on media funding appeared to have stopped taking minutes last year when it realised its deliberati­ons could be subject to the Official Informatio­n Act.

Faafoi said the process being run to present options to the Cabinet was being run under his ministeria­l responsibi­lities and was ‘‘completely his own’’.

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