The Press

‘I just want Greta to be happy’, says father

Svante Thunberg, father of the teen icon, is less interested in saving the world than in saving his daughter, says Rosa Silverman.


Svante Thunberg says he initially could not support his daughter Greta’s climate change campaign because of the attacks he knew she would suffer.

She has become the mononymous young face of the climate crisis, inspiring millions with her words and actions, despite her tender age. Earlier this month, she was named Time magazine’s person of the year and, according to Sir David Attenborou­gh, she has ‘‘woken up the world’’ to climate change, achieving what many of those who have been working on the issue for 20 years had failed to do.

But Greta Thunberg’s critics would tell a very different story: one in which the teenage activist has been brainwashe­d and pushed on to the global stage by her parents – a Swedish couple supposedly pulling the strings for ill-defined reasons of their own.

Yesterday, Svante Thunberg, the 50-year-old actor and Greta’s father, addressed this theory directly. Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, he stated, firmly: ‘‘When she decided to do this, we said quite clearly that we would not support it.’’

Questioned by presenter Mishal Husain as to why, he explained: ‘‘Obviously, we thought it was a bad idea – putting yourself out there with all the hate on social media, and just the idea of

Svante Thunberg

your own daughter putting herself at the very front line of such a huge question like climate change.’’

Not only had they categorica­lly not encouraged their then 14-year-old daughter to skip school for her first climate strike, he told listeners, they had even gone so far as to warn her: ‘‘If you are going to do it, you’re going to have to do it by yourself.’’

So she did – but by March, millions had joined her, and she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In September, she addressed the UN Climate Action Summit, telling world leaders in a tearful and passionate speech: ‘‘You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.’’

To some, the 16-year-old is

To some, Greta Thunberg is a saviour: the teller of an inconvenie­nt truth to a world with selective hearing. But there are many others who don’t want to listen to either, preferring instead to attack her parents.

a saviour: the teller of an inconvenie­nt truth to a world with selective hearing. ‘‘I don’t want you to listen to me,’’ she said. ‘‘I want you to listen to the scientists.’’

But there are many others who don’t want to listen to either, preferring instead to attack Thunberg’s parents, spreading a set of Trumpian ‘‘alternativ­e facts’’ behind their family’s story.

In a video posted on YouTube in September, American political commentato­r Sara Gonzales countered: ‘‘You know who stole your childhood, girl? Your damn parents, who decided that fame and political agendas were more important than preserving their own child’s innocence.’’ Her video, called ‘‘Greta Thunberg has TERRIBLE parents’’, has been viewed more than 137,000 times.

The same month, Andrew Bolt, the host for Sky News Australia, told the channel: ‘‘I have such contempt for all the adults who made this girl cry with their global warming lies.’’ And in her own country, Jimmie Akesson, the leader of the Sweden Democrats, a farRight political party, has condemned Greta’s actions as a ‘‘staged PR campaign’’ to promote her mother, the 49-year-old opera singer Malena Ernman’s, book.

All of which, her parents insist, could not be further from the truth. Opening up about the effect of fame on his daughter, who has Asperger’s syndrome, Svante said he accompanie­d her when she sailed to UN climate summits in New York and Madrid, not ‘‘to save the climate’’ but ‘‘to save my child’’.

Greta had struggled with depression for ‘‘three or four years’’ before she began her school strike. ‘‘She stopped talking ... she stopped going to school,’’ he said, adding that it was the ‘‘ultimate

nightmare for a parent’’ when she began refusing to eat.

During the next few years, however, they began discussing and researchin­g climate change, with Greta becoming ‘‘energised’’ by her parents’ change in behaviour to help the environmen­t. Among these changes was her mother’s decision to no longer travel by plane and her father’s conversion to veganism.

This rare peek behind the scenes of Greta’s journey, revealed a father who had watched as his singular child found a new purpose, which she’d pursued despite his reservatio­ns. ‘‘I have two daughters and, to be honest, they are all that matters to me,’’ he said. ‘‘I just want them to be happy.’’

Teenage activists who attain the kind of global recognitio­n Greta has are notably few and far between. The only obvious comparison from recent times is with Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani activist for female education, who was shot by the Taliban in 2012 in a failed attempt on her life. As Husain pointed out in her interview with Svante, it was also asked of Malala whether her father was pushing her to speak out. The implicatio­n in both cases is clear: that behind a young girl with opinions must be adults who are feeding them to her, to further their own nefarious aims.

Carly Jones – the mother of Honey, a girl with autism who addressed the United Nations aged 14 – poured scorn on the notion that anyone is manipulati­ng Greta. ‘‘Anyone who thinks she is somebody’s puppet is . . . greatly mistaken,’’ she wrote in these pages in September. ‘‘Just try and tell a young person on the spectrum what to do, and you’ll find you won’t get very far.’’

– Telegraph Group

‘‘I have two daughters and, to be honest, they are all that matters to me,’’ he said. ‘‘I just want them to be happy.’’

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