The Press

Govt moves on RNZ, TVNZ deal

- Jane Patterson of RNZ

The Cabinet is forging ahead with the plan to create a new, supersized public broadcaste­r, but ministers have taken some convincing.

RNZ understand­s they have signed off on a high-level decision to proceed and to commission a business case, after Broadcasti­ng Minister Kris Faafoi presented a revised paper on Monday.

He was told to do more work on the original plan, after taking it to the Cabinet last month. If that had gone ahead, the Government would have been readying now to pass legislatio­n under urgency to disestabli­sh RNZ and TVNZ, and then proceed with a business plan later in the year.

That sequence has now been scrapped so ministers will have a substantiv­e business case to consider before making any significan­t or irrevocabl­e decisions.

RNZ understand­s there was pushback from some senior Labour and New Zealand First ministers about the way the preferred option was landed on, the implicatio­ns for public broadcasti­ng if RNZ ceased to be a standalone company, and the speed at which it had been progressin­g.

However, this may not necessaril­y change the timetable – the plan to have the new media company in place by about 2023 appears to still be the goal.

RNZ has also been told the amended proposal puts emphasis on the new company being primarily a public service media outlet, and ensuring that is made clear in any legislatio­n, and through a charter.

That would also help to alleviate the strongly expressed concerns some ministers had about a ‘‘culture clash’’ – namely the risk the public broadcasti­ng ethos could be subsumed by an aggressive commercial imperative once the new company was establishe­d and operating.

As in the original proposal, it could still fund some operations through commercial or advertisin­g revenue.

The news late last year that MediaWorks was selling its television business after plummeting revenues sent shockwaves through media and political circles; that announceme­nt is understood to have created a sense of urgency to act swiftly on the public broadcasti­ng reforms.

However, ministers appear to have taken a step back, with more of a view that what’s happening in the commercial sector should not drive the timetable of any government action, but decisions about public broadcasti­ng should be taken on their own merit.

Boosting the contestabl­e funding pool for NZ On Air to ease some financial pressure on commercial players is also understood to be part of the mix.

When approached for comment Faafoi said he had no comment to make about the proposal, or what happened at Cabinet. – RNZ

 ??  ?? When approached, Broadcasti­ng Minister Kris Faafoi said he had no comment about the proposal.
When approached, Broadcasti­ng Minister Kris Faafoi said he had no comment about the proposal.

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